  • 學位論文

董監事機制、審計委員會功能與經營績效 關聯性研究

Mechanism of Boards of Director, function of Audit Committee and its relationship with Corporate Performance

指導教授 : 劉立倫


Fama and Jensen(1983)指出公司董事會應該由瞭解公司情況的內部董事與熟悉公司治理的獨立董事組成,兩者相輔相成,形成彼此制衡的機制。董事會是公司治理架構的核心要素之一,而獨立董監事是健全董事會結構的重要設計之一,希望藉助獨立董監事及審計委員會之設置,輔助及提升董事會之專業經營能力。 本研究主要探討公司治理法制化前後,透過實證研究的方式,分析董監事機制、審計委員會功能與經營績效之關聯性,希望透過實證支持假說,找出我國公司治理改革之盲點,避免落入形式主義之匡架,進一步完善我國公司內部監控機制。 董監事機制、審計委員會功能之探討分別以台灣證券交易所全部市場、類股公司作為研究對象。 本研究發現董監事機制優、劣與ROA、ROE有顯著差異;審計委員會功能優、劣與ROA有顯著差異,董監事機制、審計委員會功能交互作用優、劣與ROA有顯著差異,因此,95年新修正證券交易法下,董監事機制、審計委員會功能與經營績效具有關聯性。


Fama and Jensen(1983)pointed out that the Board of Directors of a company should consists of Directors of the Company who understand the operation of the company, and Independent Directors who know the Corporate Governance. The two kind of Directors complements each other, and becomes a mutually check and balanced mechanism. Board of Directors is a core element in the framework of Corporate Governance. Independent Director and Supervisor are important members to constitute a healthy Board of Directors. It is expectedly through the set up of Independent Director & Supervisor and Audit Committee to help and enhance the ability of professional management for Board of Directors. The research focuses the study on the Corporate Governance before and after it is enforced by law. Through the study by actually analyze the mechanism of Boards of Director, function of Audit Committee and its relationship with corporate performance, to get results to support the topic assumption and find out demerits in the law about Corporate Covernance, to prevent falling into the trap of formalism, and furthermore, to raise the possible suggestion to improve the internal audit mechanism for companies. Mechanism of Boards of Director, function of Audit Committee are studied separately under whole listed companies and all listed companies in Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE). The study finds that mechanism of Boards of Director is directly related to corporate ROA and ROE; function of Audit Committee is directly related to corporate ROA ; mechanism of Boards of Director together with function of Audit Committee are directly related to corporate ROA . The newly revised Taiwan Securities and Exchange Law in 2006 rules out the regulation of Independent Director & Supervisor and Audit Committee, the mechanism of Boards of Director, function of Audit Committee and its relationship with corporate performance.




