  • 學位論文


The Impact of Social Comparison Domain and Affect on Jealousy and Coping Strategies

指導教授 : 危芷芬 張淑慧


本研究主要為了解華人大學生社會比較嫉妒的影響因素、因應策略、以及嫉妒感在本研究的中介效果。Salovey與Rodin(1984)發現,在個人重視領域上評價受損時,嫉妒感最為強烈。林以正(1999)發現,華人大學生最常比較的是「學業」,其次是「社會交往」。研究者推論,個人在學業範疇之向上比較的嫉妒感高於人緣範疇,因為前者與華人學生的縱向目標有關(黃光國,2004;陳舜文,2005)。McFarland, Buehler, and MacKay ( 2001 )發現,當個人與比較對象的親近性較高,向上比較之後,對於對方產生較多的正向反應。因此,研究者也將比較雙方為不同情感狀態時,個人的嫉妒感是否有所差異。曹中瑋(1996)經由訪談歸納出嫉妒的因應策略,研究者將個人與比較對象未來互動的可能性納入考量,區分社會比較嫉妒的主動與被動因應策略。   研究者藉由兩個實徵研究驗證研究假說。在研究一中,研究者將預試的結果編制為正式問卷,探討社會比較嫉妒的情緒反應和因應策略等重要變項之間的關連,並且進行驗證性因素分析。受試者為大學學生97人。因素分析的結果確認四種因應策略,分別為「見賢思齊」、「逃避疏遠」,「自我激勵」,以及「惡意中傷」。相關分析顯示,個人自陳的社會比較事件重要性愈高,對自己以及對方的負面情緒愈高。其次,個人與比較對象的感情愈好,對於對方的負面情緒愈低,而且主動與對方互動的意願愈高。個人對對方的負面情緒程度愈高,愈傾向採用被動的因應策略。最後,個人與比較對象的感情愈好,愈傾向採用主動的「見賢思齊」因應策略   研究二主要探討社會比較範疇、雙方情感狀態對於個人嫉妒感及其因應策略的影響,以及嫉妒的中介效果。本研究為2×2×4的混合設計,獨變項為比較範疇(學業、人緣)、情感狀態(正向情感、負向情感)以及因應策略類別(見賢思齊、逃避疏遠、自我激勵、惡意中傷),依變項為使用因應策略的可能性,中介變項為嫉妒感。其中比較範疇與情感狀態為受試者間變項,因應策略類別為受試者內變項。受試者為大學生175人。研究工具為研究者自編的情境模擬問卷。根據研究二的結果,比較範疇、比較範疇與情感狀態的交互效果在嫉妒感上達顯著差異。個人經歷學業社會比較失敗的嫉妒感大於人緣範疇。在學業範疇中,雙方為正向情感狀態時,個人的嫉妒感會大於負向情感狀態;在人緣範疇中則呈現相反趨勢。當個人經歷學業範疇的比較失敗時,最可能採用「自我激勵」與「見賢思齊」的策略;而個人經歷人緣範疇的比較失敗時,最可能採取「自我激勵」的策略。雙方的情感狀態為正向時,個人較傾向採取「見賢思齊」的因應策略。但是,雙方的情感狀態為負向時,個人較傾向採取「自我激勵」的因應策略。對自己的負面情緒在比較範疇與「自我激勵」因應策略間產生中介效果。 研究一與研究二的發現大致相符。因受限於本研究的測量工具,以及受試者同質性過高,研究結果無法外推。建議未來可探討其他比較範疇、比較對象、親疏關係的社會比較嫉妒與因應策略,以及驗證因應策略之有效性。


The study was aimed to explore the determinants and coping strategies of social comparison jealousy. According to Salovey and Rodin (1984), jealousy was stronger in domains emphasized by people, such as vertical goals in Chinese societies (Chen, 205; Hwang, 2007). McFarland, Buehler, and MacKay (2001) found that individuals tended to reacted more positively to those closer to them after upward social comparison. Furthermore, Cao (1996) proposed that jealousy was also associated with intra- and inter-individual coping strategies. In Study 1, questionnaire was used to evaluate the relationships among comparison domain, affect, jealousy, and coping strategies. Ninety-seven undergraduates served as participants. One active and three passive coping strategies were drawn from factor analysis. As the individuals were closer to others, they felt less jealous, anticipated future interaction, and tended to adopt active strategiey of “emulating those better than oneself”. Jealousy was also positively correlated to passive coping strategies. Study 2 explored the impact of social comparison domain and affect on jealousy and coping strategies. It was a 2 (academic or social) × 2 (positive or negative affect) × 4 (“emulating those better than oneself”, “distancing from others”, “asking for help from someone else”, and “vilifying maliciously”) mixed design with jealousy as mediator and coping strategies as dependent variables. Both domain and affect were between-subject variables, and type of coping strategy was within-subject variable. One hundred and seventy-five undergraduates from Chung Yuan Christian University participated in the study. Jealousy was significantly different between two domains, but not influenced by affect. Individuals felt more jealous on the failure of academic domain than social domain. On academic domain, jealousy was stronger when individual was outperformed by someone with positive affect than with negative affect; for social domain, jealous was not influenced by affect. As the individuals felt more close to their competitors, they tended to adopt active coping strategy of “emulating those better than oneself” to interactive with their competitors; but they were more inclined to “ask for help from someone else” when they felt less close to the competitors. There was a partial mediation effect of jealousy on the relationship of comparison domain and coping strategy of “asking for help from someone else”. In summary, both studies showed the same result as Salovey and Rodin (1984), Cao (1996), McFarland, Buehler, and MacKay (2001). The generalization of results was limited due to university student samples. Future study could be aimed to clarify the effect of other comparison domain, or relationship on social comparison jealousy. The effectiveness of coping strategies also needs to be examined.


余安邦(1991):〈影響成就動機的家庭社會化因素之探討〉。《中央研究院民族學研究所集刊》,71 期,頁87-132。
曹中瑋 (1996):〈大專學生嫉妒心理之分析〉。《本土心理學研究》,5期,72-112。


