  • 學位論文

學校志工參與動機與持續服務之研究 —以桃園縣一所國民小學為例

A Study of School Volunteers’ Motivation and Continuous Involvement at an Elementary School in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


本研究旨在藉由個案實例探討,以校長、主任、負責業務的老師與學校志工為研究參與者,透過深度訪談、參與觀察、文件分析與反省日誌,了解國民小學志工參與動機與持續服務的情形,以期加強學校志工的服務熱忱,提升服務的品質。最後,根據文獻探討與研究結果,加以分析與歸納,並作成以下之結論: 一、學校志工參與動機中,時間上考量是其先決因素。 二、學校志工參與動機可分為自利、利他和社會等三大面向的動機。 三、學校志工參與動機可以對應Maslow的需求層次理論。 四、學校志工參與服務歷經寄人籬下的日子、離巢獨立萬事難、攜手相伴 齊努力與志在陽光心不悔等四個時期。 五、學校志工透過學校志工領導者與服務理念的傳承,展望未來,以期塑 造永續發展的學校志工隊。 六、學校志工持續服務意願包含個人內在因素--被需要的需求與情感支持 的需求,以及外在環境因素--從服務中獲得工作滿足感與對和諧團隊 氣氛的需求。 七、學校內男性志工以服務工作的滿足感為主要持續服務的因素,不同於 女性志工以情感上支持的需求為主。 依據以上之結論,本研究提出之具體建議如下: 一、對個案學校的建議 (一)學校行政方面 1.辦理協助新移民的相關活動與課程,藉以吸引新移民加入學校志工 隊 2.以彈性服務時間,鼓勵男性志工參與學校志工活動 (二)學校志工方面 1.多元、接納的態度,良好學校志工經驗的傳承 2.從學校志願服務中體會自我價值,形塑學習型組織團隊 二、對其他學校的建議 (一)重視學校志工服務的價值,隨時給予正向肯定 (二)滿足學校志工內外在需求,是經營學校志工組織的重要課題 三、對未來研究的建議 (一)可嘗試不同的研究方向 (二)可選擇不同的研究參與者


This research aims to explore school volunteers’ motivation and continuous involvement at elementary school by case studies. The subjects of this research included an elementary school principal, directors, teachers who were responsible for the voluntary work, and the volunteers. The research was conducted by the means of interviews, insider observations, document analysis, and reflection journals. The purpose of this research was to promote school volunteers’ enthusiasm for the work and their service quality. Based on the literature review and research findings, some conclusions are made as follows: 1. Time was considered the first priority in the school volunteers’ motivation. 2. The school volunteers’ motivation was classified into the aspects of egoism, altruism, and socialism. 3. The school volunteers’ motivation corresponded to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. 4. At first, the school volunteers didn’t have a campus, and then they experienced the difficult times of starting on their own and working hard together. All their efforts were made in pursuit of school affairs. 5. The school volunteers strove to form a regular working unit through the leadership and idealism. 6. The school volunteers’ continuous intention for volunteering included intrinsic factors-the need of being depended on and emotional support and extrinsic factors-sense of job satisfaction from doing volunteering work and enjoyment of harmony in the volunteer team. 7. The male school volunteers mainly worked for the sense of job satisfaction, while female school volunteers pursued the emotional support. According to the conclusions mentioned above, some implications are made as follows: I. Suggestions for the school (1) For the school administration (1.1) To provide the activities and curriculums to help these new inhabitants, and invite them to join the team of school volunteers. (1.2) The service time for school volunteers should be flexible to allow male school volunteers to participate in the work. (2) For the school volunteers (2.1) Positive and open attitudes should be established among school volunteers. (2.2) Self esteem and life-long learning should be promoted through working as school volunteers. II. Suggestions for other schools (1) Emphasis should be put on the value of school volunteering and acknowledgement should also be paid to school volunteers. (2) The management of school volunteers should fulfill both the intrinsic and extrinsic needs of school volunteers. III. Suggestions for future studies (1) Different aspects of school volunteering can be explored. (2) Different subjects relating to school volunteering can be included in the future study.


張明輝(2000)。美國中小學課後輔導計畫及其啟示。學校行政雙月刊,5,123-134 。


蔡旻婷(2014)。志工參與國民小學天文教育服務學習經驗之研究 -以嘉義市某國小家長志工團為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613590027
