  • 學位論文


A Study of Personal Capability Perception, Overconfidence, Degree of Belief and Employment Contract Selection

指導教授 : 劉立倫


摘要 簽訂合約為個人任職前必經的程序,目的係為保障未來工作期間可享受的權益及應履行之義務,而在台灣,目前就業者的從業者身份多以受雇為主,約占整體就業者的76%,故在質量兼具的加乘效應下,工作合約選擇的問題深深地影響了許多人。惟個人通常對其自身能力的了解不夠透徹,常常會有過度自信之行為產生,導致他們在進行工作合約選擇時下了錯誤的決策,並進而損及未來之收益。另外,由於信念係個人外在行為的主要成因之一,信念的強度將可能堅定存有過度自信之行為者的合約選擇決策,故本研究即欲針對此議題進行討論與檢定。 本研究以發放紙本問卷的方式驗證以上論述,結果發現,個人的確對其自身能力的認知不盡完備,而且此認知不全往往是一過度自信行為,導致個人在選擇工作合約時偏好選擇含有財務誘因的工作合約,並因此對他們的實質收益造成負面的影響。此外,結果也發現選擇含有財務誘因之工作合約的過度自信者,他們的信念強度高於選擇固定薪酬之工作合約的過度自信者,說明了個人的信念強度會加諸於其外在行為上,造成他們擁有相同行為卻有著不同決策的情況發生。


Abstract Signing a contract is step that every employee will go through before taking office, and it will ensure employees’ rights and obligations during the tenure. In Taiwan, 76% of workers are employed, so the effects of employee contract selection can be significant. However, since individuals usually lack the understanding of their capability for job-related skills, they will tend to be overconfident about their abilities, resulting in imprudent contract selection and even the possible decrease in income. In addition, because belief is one the factors forming individuals’ behavior, it will have strong influence on overconfident individuals’ decision making of contract selection. The research will conduct a survey to analyze the relationship among personal capability perception, overconfidence, degree of belief, and employment contract selection. The major empirical results are as follows: 1.When participant’s personal capability perception are incomplete, they will tend to be overconfident about their abilities. 2. Such overconfidence will cause participant to incorrectly select performance-based contract and result in lower income. 3. Overconfident participants who select performance-based contract will have a high degree of beliefs than participants who select fixed-pay contract.


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