  • 學位論文


Factors influencing the usage of Fans Page

指導教授 : 李正文


「社交網站」的興起不僅僅是因為網路環境的發達,更是因現代人對人際關係的需求。在這樣的資訊環境下,「社交網站」不論是在國內外均呈現快速的成長,但其成長需要維持,因此如何維持就是如今要面對的問題。   「社交網站」屬於「虛擬社群」的一環,運作模式則是透過網路科技,使個人得以在家中對相同平台上之個人,進行人際關係的互動與交流,因此平台上彙集了各種興趣之人群,進而認識不同環境下之陌生人,但「社交網站」的特點在於它不僅僅是包含網路上陌生朋友,同時也集合了現實生活中曾經接觸的朋友,可能是同學、同事或家人…等等。慢慢的人際網絡在人與人互相加入成為對方的朋友之下,就形成的龐大的人際網絡。   過去關於「社交網站」的文獻裡,研究專注於「個人網頁」之延伸,較少關注在社交網站行銷方面。因此本研究主要是以「粉絲專頁」的角度切入,對於使用粉絲專頁成員進行「資訊品質」、「系統品質」與「知覺娛樂」調查,探討其對於「行為意圖」的影響。並擴張「科技接受模型」進行分析。本研究結果為,「資訊品質」、「系統品質」對「知覺有用性」與「知覺易用性」有顯著的正面影響;「知覺娛樂」對於「知覺有用性」無顯著的影響;「行為意圖」受到「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」與「知覺娛樂」正面且顯著的影響。


The reason of social networking site’s popularity is not only the prosperity of Internet but also people’s demand of friendship. In this information age, the social networking site is growing rapidly in Taiwan and overseas. But how to maintain the growing rate is the big issue that we are facing in nowadays. Social networking sites are virtual communities operated by internet technology. It helps individuals exchange ideas and interact with each other in the same online socializing platform while you are at home. So this system connects not only strangers who have common interest but also your friends.   In the past social networking data, researchers have been focusing more on extension of personal pages than on Fans Page, which was introduced by Facebook. Therefore, this study is based on Fans Page point to investigate the members about information quality, system quality and perceived enjoyment. It also discovers the influence of using behavior and analyzes expending technology acceptable model.   The result shows that information and system qualities have positive effect on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Perceived enjoyment does not influence perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment have positive absolutely effect on behavior intention.


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