  • 學位論文


The Design and Effects on Using Communicative Activities in Elementary Chinese Practicum

指導教授 : 張于忻


世界各地學習華語的人數與日遽增。語言教學重視學習者和其學習過程,目的在培養學習者使用目的語溝通之能力。然傳統的教學活動中,多以教師講授為主,課堂互動性不高,較難引起學習興趣,不易兼顧學習者的個別差異。為了提高學習者的溝通能力,教師可使用語言輸入及結構化、溝通性輸出相結合的溝通教學活動進行教學。 根據許多研究顯示,使用以學習者為中心的溝通教學活動進行教學,可鼓勵學習者參與,並增加其使用語言的自信心;透過教師提供符合真實生活的溝通環境,讓學習者練習使用目的語,促進其學習成效,亦可提高教學之實質效益。常見的溝通教學活動包括:角色扮演、遊戲、小組競賽等,學習者必須互相合作、解決問題以完成任務。 據此,本研究擬以溝通教學理念為基礎,配合任務型教學法和全身肢體反應教學法等教學法之優勢,運用真實語言之材料,設計15種專為初級華語學習者所規劃的初級華語教學溝通教學活動。同時藉由文獻探討、教學觀察、訪談和問卷調查等方法進行資料分析,以瞭解溝通教學活動在課堂中的實施成效。 經研究證實,將溝通教學活動運用於華語教學中,可有效地提高學習者學習動機和成效,尤以開放性活動的影響成效最大。教師使用不同的溝通教學活動可活絡課堂氣氛,鼓勵學習者積極、主動參與,增進其使用目的語之能力。 本研究希望能提供欲從事華語教學之教師一些幫助,並做為後續溝通教學活動設計之參考,使此方面的研究更臻完善,敬祈各位專家不吝指正是幸。


The number of students learning Chinese increases year by year. In the classroom, instruction focuses on the learner and the learning process. Language teaching is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is a communicative competence: the ability to use the language correctly and appropriately to accomplish communication goals. The traditional teacher-centered method renders instructors to teach in the traditional style— teachers talk, students listen. In this setting, the classroom lacks interaction and participation. As a result, the teacher-centered method cannot effectively stimulate learners’ interest. For this reason, in order to help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, instructors should adopt a balanced approach in activities that combines language input, structured output, and communicative output. Many studies have shown that learner-centered instruction encourages students to develop and helps them gain confidence in their ability to learn and use the language. Teachers organize the classroom as a setting for communication and communicative activities, which can be applied to improve learning and teaching effectiveness. The most common types of communicative output activities are role plays, games and group competitions. In these activities, students must work together to develop a plan, resolve a problem, or complete a task. This study uses the concepts of Communicative Language Teaching, Task-based Language Teaching, Total Physical Response and other teaching methods to design fifteen various communicative activities for primary learners. In order to better understand the effects of communicative activities on TCSL, the researcher employed the methods of literature study, participant observation, interviews, and surveys to analyze data. According to recent research studies, using communicative activities in elementary Chinese practicum has a positive impact on students’ learning ability and motivation. In particular, the impact of free activities is especially effective. For example, learners became enthusiastic participants and involved in the learning process. They developed practical language skills while having fun and enjoying the class. The results of this research aim to provide useful information for the design and research of communicative activities, put forward relevant recommendations and future prospects, and should be used as a reference by Chinese teachers for the further study.


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