  • 學位論文

運用電子書輔助國小英語教學:以四年級「Super E-Book」互動教材為例

The Use of an Interactive E-book for Fourth Grade Elementary Students: “Super E-Book” as an Example

指導教授 : 廖恩崇


資訊科技的發展日新月異,電腦科技融入英語教學已成為一種趨勢。而電子書是近來最「夯」的教學輔助軟體,此教學軟體期望藉由數位教材的使用,讓學生以輕鬆且有趣的方式進行學習。隨著電子書在教育上的應用日漸普遍,其在教學上的影響是值得探究的。因此本研究旨在探討如何運用互動電子書輔助國小學生的英語學習。 本研究採準實驗法,研究對象為四班共103位國小四年級學生。研究工具為兩組問卷調查和訪談,透過質化與量化的分析方式來收集資料。資料分析結果指出,學生在接受為期12週的電子書融入教學時,其在英語學習態度、動機、及課堂表現上皆有正面顯著的改變。此外,學生針對電子書的回饋問卷,反映出透過電子書教學,學生覺得課程較生動有趣,除了對上課的內容較有興趣之外,學生更進一步指出電子書中的多媒體功能,可輔助學習並提升學習成效。 本研究發現互動電子書可以提高學習興趣和學習效果,電子書固然有其優點,但也有諸多考量與限制,教師在實際教學應用上須使用得當,才能發揮其成效。本研究亦提供建議給英語教師及出版商,共同思考電子書在英語教學上的良性發展與應用。


The present study shed some lights on the effectiveness of using e-books into English education. With the rapid development of computer technology, computer-assisted instruction (CAI) has become the trend in foreign language teaching. E-book, a recent innovation, has motivated the learning interests of language learners. Given the growing popularity of e-books in academia, it is important to evaluate the educational value of these E-book teaching materials. The present study aims to explore how an interactive e-book (i.e. Super E-book) could facilitate English learning process of the Taiwanese elementary students. This research employed one group pretest and posttest design with 103 fourth grade students from four intact classes. The main data included two sets of questionnaires and interview transcripts. The motivation questionnaire was analyzed through Paired Samples t-Test to compare the attitudinal changes of language learners prior and after the treatment. A feedback questionnaire; in addition, was adopted to examine the participants’ perspectives on learning with Super E-book. A semi-structured interview elaborated and supported the quantitative data. After a twelve-week intervention, the study observed that Super E-book had positive effects on students’ learning in terms of their attitudes, motivation, and in-class performances. The findings also indicated that the participants showed greater enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning English with the use of Super E-book. Furthermore, the results revealed that the multimedia features of Super E-book have been recognized as valuable resources for facilitating both teaching and learning. Nevertheless, issues such as novelty and distraction should be taken into account seriously, or this in turn may hinder the learning. It is hoped that this study could offer textbook publishers, e-book designers and instructors some more insightful suggestions.


multimedia e-books and learning motivation


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