  • 學位論文


A Kinect-based Prompting System to Transition Autonomously Through Vocational Tasks for Individuals with Cognitive Impairments

指導教授 : 張耀仁


本研究應用Kinect在輔具科技,針對精神障礙者在pizza連鎖店工作的內容加以輔助,朝著在幫助精神障礙者能夠在連鎖店中能夠晉升為廚房中製作pizza的main table上工作,讓精神障礙者不再只是只能做些清潔打掃的工作而努力。 一般人在學會工作的流程後,發生錯誤的機率或是遺忘工作項目的狀況比較少見,但是精神障礙者在工作上最常碰到的困難就是遺忘工作項目或是工作流程,我們利用Kinect的深度辨識功能來提示工作步驟,借助科技輔助精神障礙者提高工作完成度,如此一來就可以加強業者對於精神障礙者的信任度,也能穩定並增加精神障礙者在職場上工作機會,也能替他們的家人減輕負擔。 在就輔員協助指導下,我們邀請兩位精神障礙者進行實驗,並評估精神障礙者是否能藉由體感式身心障礙者工作提示輔具成功減少漏失情形,並且加速職前訓練。在數據顯示,在介入期受測者不僅成功藉由工作提示達到目標,而在維持期也能達到職前訓練作用。


My research is applied Kinect to a assistive technology, in Pizza hot for cognitive impairments. Let cognitive impairments can do not only clean category work, but also make the pizza on maintable. Most people less do the wrong step or forgot the task, but cognitive impairments don’t. We use depth recognition feature from Kinect to prompt task. By using assistive technology to increase degree of completion, let the employers have faith in cognitive impairments and improve employment rate on workplace. We hold a experiment and invite two cognitive impairments. The experiment assisted by social workers. We evaluated the data from experiment. From the data, we can realize the system is helpful for cognitive impairments.


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