  • 學位論文


Using the Aesthetics Lifestyle and Information Disclosure Degree Trait to Explore the Product Preferences and Choice-An Example in SUV

指導教授 : 陳瑾儀


自政府實施週休二日政策以來,民眾的生活型態也產生了與以往不同的改變。延長一天的假日,使民眾對於自己的假期開始有許多規劃。尤其是各種以地方在地文化所開辦的觀光旅遊活動,讓台灣民眾在週末假日好好的放鬆自己,全家出遊的風氣也漸漸盛行,由其是現代許多家長非常樂意在假日時帶著小孩去野外露營或是接觸大自然,也因此對於帶著全家出門的汽車功能要求也有所改變。 近年來台灣民眾受到慢活的生活理念與經濟條件改變的影響,人們更加重視生活品質嚮往著全新的都市生活。重視環保、追求健康的生活型態與個人心靈上的成長以及與家人、朋友間的互動。因此各家廠商對於市場的目標族群重新定位,使休旅車的購買族群不再像最初只有較高年齡的消費者,休旅車的整體外型、訴求也開始針對較年輕的族群作為產品設計的發展方向,讓休旅車市場的產品選擇越來越多樣化。 現今休旅車市場上,各家廠商推出的車款在性能上的差距越來越小,廣告所要傳遞給消費者的訊息也變成風格氛圍的營造,希望能夠爭取到目標族群的認同感,進而增加消費者的購買意願。 本研究利用美感生活型態變數和人口統計變數,探討消費者對休旅車外型美感風格的認知。分析結果顯示休旅車外型風格分為:靈巧俏皮、帥氣奔馳、方正穩重與大眾主流;而美感生活型態的族群有名流仕紳、品味堅持、追求勝利與藝術追求。除了藝術追求族群以外,其他三種美感生活型態族群,都有各群最偏好的休旅車外型風格類型。 此外,本研究將受測者以資訊揭露程度來分類,分別為有觀看車款廣告與沒有觀看廣告兩組,來探討廣告在消費者腦中對於休旅車外型美感風格認知的影響性。實驗結果發現,廣告對於車款美感的風格認知影響性較大,其中以性別化程度影響最大;而在對車款的偏好上影響程度較低。


Since the government implemented the policies of five-day week, people's lifestyle has changed. The economic conditions of Taiwanese people are also improved that they start to persue the philosophy of chronic active life, form now on; people pay more attention to the quality of life and long for a new life in the city. Moreover, this situation has influenced them put more emphasis on environmental protection, healthy lifestyles and personal spiritual growth and the relationship with family and friends. This kind of point of view also changed the target markets of many SUV manufacturers that they need to reposition their products to meet more customers’ need in broader markets, that is, potential younger cutomers. To promote the purchase, SUV's appearance began as a direction to development of the product design for younger population, so that the SUV market has more various choices. Today, SUV manufacturers’ technical capacities are much closed. The gap of performances of functionalities is getting smaller. One important aim of advertisments becomes to create an atmosphere of “style” to consumers, hope to secure the target group's sense of identity, thereby to increase consumers' willingness to buy. This study applys aesthetic lifestyle and demographic variables to investigate consumers’ aesthetic cognitive of the SUV appearance. The results show that SUV exterior styles can be divided into four catagories, which are: Smart witty, handsome speed, founder steady and public mainstream. And four aesthetic lifestyle groups are celebrity gentry, taste persist, victory pursuit and art pursuit. In addition to art pursuit, other three groups have their most preferred SUV exterior styles. Furthermore, this study also tries to understand if peoples’ preference be affected under different degree of information disclosure of the advertisements, the subjects are divided into two groups during the experiment, the difference between two groups is if seven advsertisements are broadcasted or not. The results show that advertisements can do some effects on peoples’ cognitive of the SUV (for expample: younger vs. mature), especially the cognitive of the gender orientation instead of the preference of the appearance.


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