  • 學位論文


Research on the method of CG for evaluations of lighting environments

指導教授 : 謝明燁


科技的進步,人類的生活方式也開始做了調整與改變,”照明”更是深刻的影響著人類的生活,從天然的天光到人工的照明,從白天到黑夜中,我們更是很自然的將”照明”充分運用,同時它也在空間氣氛裡扮演了重要的角色。人體的感知中又屬視覺的影響最為強烈,同時也是直接影響心理感知的重要關鍵,人們不斷的挑戰照明的視覺變化,影響的層面廣泛,其中電腦模擬的技術更是發展迅速,也漸漸融入人們的生活之中。        對此在建築空間中的電腦模擬應用更是使用普遍,也常常用來預先檢視完工後的願景圖,做為工程的參考依據,因此想藉由這樣的趨勢,探討虛擬空間與真實空間照明環境感知的差異性,以證明虛擬空間是否可以預先模擬真實的環境,並確立其參考價值。       本研究的目的希望能夠確立照明環境對於人體使用上心理感知的驗證方式,以電腦模擬手法與真實空間作為對照的實驗方式,真實空間照明選用市售常見的燈管與燈泡作為主要研究場景,分別以3000K、6500K色溫度燈管及2700 K、6500 K色溫度燈泡來進行實驗。本研究使用3D Studio MAX做為建立虛擬空間的使用軟體,搭配V Ray渲染器,進而彩現出較逼真的影像,而電腦模擬空間創建數值與真實空間相符,提高空間的真實性,以達到驗證電腦模擬空間與真實空間的差異性,並且提出數據佐證其可行性。


電腦模擬 氣氛 心理 視覺 照明


With the advance of technology, the life style of human-being also starts to be adjusted and changed; in particular, “lighting” deeply influences people’s daily life. From the natural sky light to man-made lighting, from day to night, we always take full advantage of “lighting”. Besides, “lighting” also plays an important role in space atmosphere. Among human’s senses, “vision” is the strongest one, which is also the key to directly influence the psychology perception. People keep challenging the visual variation of lighting, which influences a lot of aspects; particularly, the technology of the computer simulation advances swiftly and gradually blends into people’s daily life.    The computer simulation is very common in the building space, which is often used to check the vision diagram of a construction as the reference for the construction. Based on the trend, we investigate the difference between the sense of the simulated space and that of the lighting environment of a real space in order to prove whether the simulated space can simulate the real environment and then confirm its reference value.   The object of the study is to confirm the verification method about how the lighting environment to influence human’s psychology perception; the study adopts the experiment method which compares the compute simulation method with the real space. The lighting of real space adopts currently available lamp tubes and lamp bulbs as the major research scene; we uses the lamp tubes with 3000K and 6500K color temperatures, and the lamp bulbs with 2700K and 6500K color temperatures to conduct the experiment. The study adopts 3D Studio MAX to establish the virtual space; the study further adopts the VRay renderer to create realistic images. The establishment values of the space simulated by the computer is consistent with that of the real space, so the reality of the space can be enhanced in order to verify the difference between the space simulated by the computer and the real space, and then we provide the data to prove its feasibility.


Lighting Visual Psychology Computer Simulation Atmosphere


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