  • 學位論文


The Effects of the SOHO NAS function toward Consumer Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 劉士豪


近年來由於雲端概念的興起,個人也日漸有私有雲之需求,也帶動了家用NAS的日漸普及,根據市場研究機構的調查,現今家用NAS仍有很大的市場,了解消費者對於家用NAS的購買動機是值得探討,以及不同資訊呈現方式先後之差異,是否會影響消費者最終的選擇? 本研究採用問卷調查法,使用網路問卷之方式發放,一部份在問卷中提供三款NAS的規格表,由受測者選擇最想買的款式,另一部份再將各功能屬性以條列式的方式來呈現,由受測者分別依據每個條列式屬性的項目分別去選擇。依據資訊呈現先後之差異,分為問卷一和問卷二,問卷一先提供規格表再提供條列式屬性,問卷二則以相反的方式呈現,並將受測者分為A與B兩組,其中A組填寫問卷一,由B組填寫問卷二。其中問卷一為125份,問卷二為122份。完成問卷蒐集後,再透過訪談法了解多位已填寫問卷之受測者,深入了解購買家用NAS的因素為何。   根據本研究結果顯示,資訊呈現方式之差異,並未改變消費者所選擇的家用NAS系統,無論資訊呈現之先後不同,大多數消費者所選擇的款式,主要偏好屬性為硬碟數量多、儲存空間容量空間大且具有容錯功能的家用NAS系統,在合理的價位下,消費者願意多付費選擇儲存空間容量更大的家用NAS系統。以職業別來看,從事資訊相關行業者,比非從事資訊相關行業者購買NAS的機會較高,因此對於家用NAS產品的了解度較高,相對購買意願則會提高。 本研究之後續建議,家用NAS產品製造商可推出成本較低廉之硬碟方案來搭配銷售,並推出一款首重儲存容量為優先,且硬碟數量能夠達到容錯功能,以最佳保護機制磁碟陣列之家用NAS系統,且系統尚有剩餘之硬碟插槽可供升級,並以加價的方式升級更大容量之儲存空間,供消費者選擇。


With the rise of the concept of Cloud Storage in recent years, individuals also gradually become in want of private cloud. This in turn has driven the popularization of SOHO NAS, and according to the research by market research institutes, there is still a large slice of market available for SOHO NAS, hence the motivation of consumers buying NAS for home and weather the sequence of presenting product information affects consumer’s final decision is worth discussion. This research employs questionnaire survey by distributing questionnaire online, with a section providing three types of NAS specification in tables for consumers to choose their favorite, and the other presenting functions and features in listings for consumers to choose from. Different sequences in presenting product information are divided into Questionnaire One and Questionnaire Two. Questionnaire One first presents specification table then lists out features; vise versa for Questionnaire Two. Consumers are separated into two groups: Group A and Group B. Group A fills out Questionnaire One, and Group B fills out Questionnaire Two. There are 125 copies of Questionnaire One, and 122 copies of Questionnaire Two. After collecting all questionnaire, those who have done questionnaire are interviewed to understand in depth the reason of buying SOHO NAS. According to the result of this research, the sequence in presenting product information does not change consumers decision on buying SOHO NAS. Regardless of sequence of presenting product information, most consumers prefer types with large number of HDD, larger storage, and fault tolerance function. Consumers are willing to pay more and choose larger storage of SOHO NAS under reasonable price. In terms of career, people in IT-related industries have higher chances of buying NAS than non-IT related field. Therefore, people with more understanding of SOHO NAS show higher willingness of purchase increases. This research further suggests that producers of SOHO NAS should come up with schemes featuring lower price HDD, and launches products that focus on storage as first priority, at the same time with numbers of HDD that achieves fault tolerance, the best of error protection scheme of RAID of NAS system, more space available in the system for installing more HDD for upgrade, and also upgraded storage at a premium for consumer to choose from.


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