  • 學位論文


Gift-Receivers' Gratefulness: The Influence of Power States and Gift-Giving Situation

指導教授 : 張心馨


送禮是人際互動中常見的行為,而在送禮行為中會因許多因素,干擾收禮者對禮物的感受,進而影響對送禮者的感謝,故本研究旨在研究收禮者之權力地位對送禮者的感謝程度進行相關之探討,希望能夠透過不同的收禮情境,了解不同權力地位之收禮者的心理感受,並期望送禮者能夠根據不同的送禮對象,進行送禮行為,藉此讓送禮者能達到送禮意圖,且讓收禮者感受到送禮者之誠意。本研究並整理過去相關的重要理論和文獻,提出研究假設。最後,本文採用實驗設計進行假設之驗證,並得出幾項結論:(1) 高權力地位者對送禮者之感謝程度會低於低權力地位者。(2)收禮情境之不同會確實影響感謝程度。


Gift-giving is a common interpersonal behavior, and serval factors may affect gratefulness of gift-receivers. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether gift-giving situation may moderates relationship between the power state of receiver and gratefulness. The study conducts an experimental design to investigate the hypotheses. The results show that: (1) high power state receivers show higher gratefulness than low power state receivers; (2) gift-giving situation is confirmed as a moderator.


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