  • 學位論文


A study on the Teaching Process of the Task-Based Language Teaching on Motivating Vietnamese Students to Speak in a Joint Degree Program

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


本研究對象為雙聯學制初級越南籍學習者,根據張瑜倫(2013)對雙聯學制越南籍學習者的習得問題研究表示,初次來臺的越南籍留學生遇到問題不會使用華語表達時,時常保持沉默。當學習者而學習者好不容易表達出自己的想法時卻沒人能理解,便不願再嘗試使用華語說明,因此降低了使用華語表達的信心。針對這一點研究者為提升越南專班學生說華語的意願及信心,將透過任務型教學的教學模式提升學生應用語言的能力及日常生活溝通交際的能力。 本研究採個案研究法的單一個案設計,研究的研究對象為7人,任務教學實施兩單元,根據研究對象的需求分別是「安排自助旅行」以及「打理個人生活」。課程進行三週,一週兩小時的教學。資料蒐集方式包括問卷調查、起點行為測驗、教師日誌、半結構式訪談、學習結果測驗。 研究結果顯示針對雙聯學制初級越南籍學習者的任務活動設計,必須貼近學習者的日常生活,讓學習者能夠將在任務中學習到的詞彙及用法實際應用於生活中。研究結果也發現了任務型教學能夠提升學生說華語的意願,且在課程中學習者能夠展現相當活躍的溝通交際能力,在不同的任務中達成任務。最後根據研究結果提出相關建議,以提供未來有興趣使用任務型教學於初級華語口語課的教師參考。


The objects of this study are Joint Degree Vietnamese University students; according to previous research to Joint Degree Vietnamese students, the students who fist came to Taiwan they couldn’t solve the daily problems in Chinese. On the other hand, students used their ability to express in Chinese but no one understood at all. It caused them afraid of speaking Chinese and reduced the confidence level. Contrary to this point, researcher used Task-Based Language Learning aiming to enhance student’ speaking motivation and confidence. The research method of this study is single-case [holistic] designs, which are based on seven research objects in this class. Task-Based Language Learning is applied with 2 units(backpacking and daily life) for three weeks. Each week was conducted for two hours. Besides, data was collected via questionnaires, entry behaviors test, teacher’s teaching journals, students’ interview records and learning outcome test as other information to explain the results. The results indicate the design of the Task-Based Language Learning to Joint Degree Vietnamese students should be valid. Student learned vocabulary and grammar through the class and applied in thier daily life. Also, the research results indicate the Task-Based Language Learning has develope students speaking motivation and communication skills effectively. Lastly, the study results are to serve as a reference regarding Task-Based Language Learning for teachers who aspire to teach Joint Degree Vietnamese students.


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