  • 學位論文

運用事件相關電位P300訊號在消費者購買意願之研究 -以即飲咖啡產品為例

A Research on Discussing Purchase Intention by Using Event Related Potential P300 Amplitude-An Example of Canned Coffee Drinks

指導教授 : 周永燦


2004年10月美國Baylor醫學院的神經成像學專家Dr. P. Read Montague,提出神經行銷學(Neuromarketing)的概念,神經行銷學是一個研究人腦的反應對於廣告、品牌、行銷手法等刺激,利用科學的方法來量化和理解消費者腦內決策與相關的消費行為。神經行銷學常用的工具包括;臉部辨識(Facial coding)、眼動儀(Eye tracking)、聲音分析(Voice analysis)、膚電反應感測器(Skin conductance responses)、腦波儀(Electroencephalography, EEG)、磁振造影(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)。本研究主要利用神經行銷學觀點分析品牌形象與消費者購買意願的腦波變化。 本研究欲使用事件相關電位P300來針對商品的品牌形象與折扣的變化進行實驗,希望能從中來證明可以使用P300訊號來預測消費者購買意願。一般研究在針對品牌的實驗通常僅使用問卷評比作為量化的依據,本研究依照神經行銷學概念透過腦波儀對受測者進行測試,從中收集消費者在選擇咖啡產品時的腦波的變化,利用工具量化消費者的反應,實驗使用市售商品做為不同的實驗樣本,並透過問卷將不同商品進行對照,實驗將咖啡口味作為本次實驗的固定因子,從實驗數據解析出消費者腦波對於咖啡產品品牌形象、購買意願之變化,並以事件相關電位P300之振幅觀察結果會因情境的不同而有所改變,以及應用於預測產品開發之上。


October 2004, neuroimaging expert at Baylor College, Medicine Dr. P. Read Montague proposed “Neuromarketing” that is a method of human brain response to advertising, branding, marketing techniques and other stimuli. Use scientific method to to quantify and understand the consumer decision-making in the brain associated with consumer behavior. The common tools of Neuromarketing include Facial coding, Eye tracking, Voice analysis, Skin conductance responses, Electroencephalography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In this research we use “Neuromarketing” method analyzing brand image and purchase intention and their influences to brainwave. In this study, we want use P300 amplitude to express the brand image and product discounts change in the experiment. General experimental research on brand commonly used questionnaire rating as quantitative basis, in this study we would conduct experiment by Electroencephalography. Collect changes brainwave data when consumers in the choice of coffee products quantify the reaction of consumers by tools. Experiments using commercial products as different experimental samples then we also compared different samples by questionnaires and combine two methods in analysis phase. The taste of the coffee as a fixed factor of the experiment. Resolves the changes in consumer EEG for the coffee brand image and purchase intention. At the end of this research we observe the results vary depending on the situation may change by the changes of ERP P300 and can be applied on product development.


Neuromarketing EEG Brand Image Purchase Intention P300 ERP


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