  • 學位論文


Establishment and Big Data Information on the Static and Dynamic of Real-time Monitoring System for Scour Type Bridge Pier

指導教授 : 張達德


目前應用於橋墩即時監測上的系統建置,當數據量龐大的時候,尚無法達到真正的所有數據保存,可能以30秒測讀一次等等做為處理。然全時的數據是具有重要價值的,包含了洪水、地震等重要訊息,如何建立一套真正24小時不間斷的橋墩即時監測系統是一課題。 本研究針對公路橋梁沖刷型橋墩為目標,透過24小時不間斷測讀,監測橋墩的永久傾斜變位與瞬時振動變位之表徵現象。透過監測系統的規畫與設計,建置一套即時、穩定與能夠真實反應橋墩現況的靜、動態變位監測系統,並評估其成效。 以台中東勢大橋為標的,經現場勘查與資料蒐集後,針對主(P7)、次河道(P3)橋墩為目標。通過設備選擇、系統設定、誤差分析,且因動態監測數據量龐大,規劃設計後端動態訊號處理軟體進行大數據的即時處理,以及規劃靜動態數據的儲存管理,使每筆數據不會遺失並有效運用資料庫儲存空間。利用過去橋梁穩定性與安全性分析資料,對靜動態即時變位監測進行管理。而地震後的振動加速度數據,可馬上擷取進行希爾伯特黃轉換分析以評估橋墩現況。最終建立封橋機制流程以即時提供管理人員橋梁的真實訊息,並可追蹤危險情況。


Currently, establishment of the system used in the real-time monitoring on the pier. When the huge amount data, can not meet all of the data stored. It may be measured once in 30 seconds, and so on for processing. However, full-time data is of great value, contains important messages such as floods, earthquakes, etc. How to establish a true 24-hour real-time monitoring system for the pier is a subject. In this study, the target for scour type piers of the highway bridge. Through 24-hour monitoring of permanent inclination displacement pier instantaneous vibration displacement characterization phenomenon. Through the planning and design the monitoring system. Establish a real-time and stable, and capable of reaction piers real status of the static and dynamic displacement system, and to assess its effectiveness. In Taichung Dongshi Bridge for the subject, after site survey and data collection for the main(P7) and secondary watercourse (P3) piers as the goal. Through equipment selection, system settings, error analysis, and because of the huge amount dynamic monitoring data, the planning and design of the rear end of the dynamic signal processing software for real time processing of large data. Through the planning of static and dynamic data storage management, let each data will not be lost and the effective use of database storage space. Through previous bridge stability and security analysis to manage static and dynamic real-time monitoring of displacement. The stored of vibration acceleration data can be immediately retrieve after the earthquake, and proceed with Hilbert-Huang Transform analysis to assess the current status of the piers. The eventual establishment of bridge closure mechanism processes to provide real-time messages to the bridge's management, and following dangerous situations.


【6】陳克劼、李有豐,2009年1月,「類神經網路分析應用於北部省道橋梁橋梁檢測及劣化預測之研究」,臺灣公路工程,第35卷,第1期 pp2-20。


