  • 學位論文


Modeling Study on low temperature Atmospheric-pressure Plasma Reforming of Methane and Carbon Dioxide

指導教授 : 魏大欽


本研究建立了甲烷-二氧化碳之電漿模型,依不同電漿激發方式分為脈衝式電漿模型與連續式電漿模型,探討脈衝式電漿與連續式電漿對甲烷和二氧化碳轉化率與其產物選擇性的影響,探討的操作參數有:電漿功率、進料配比、進料流量、溫度、脈衝頻率等。以相同的操作參數比較脈衝式電漿與連續式電漿能量效率之差異,藉由ROP分析了解電漿轉化甲烷及二氧化碳過程物種濃度變化及其主要物種生成與消耗之反應路徑。 在文獻比較方面,模型計算結果與實驗值趨勢一致且相當接近,甲烷與二氧化碳之轉化率與產物選擇性皆落在合理範圍。在操作參數影響方面,當功率增加使得甲烷與二氧化碳的轉化率提高,但能量效率不佳;進料流量的增加使轉化率下降C2產物選擇性上升;改變進料配比對於H2/CO比值影響甚大,H2/CO比值隨著甲烷流量增加而上升;溫度增加反應速率變快使轉化率提高,而乙烷選擇性下降乙烯選擇性上升;在相同操作條件下,整體來說脈衝式電漿在甲烷與二氧化碳之重組上相較於連續式電漿有較好的能量效率。


In this study, two mathematical models were developed to study the reforming of methane with carbon dioxide in a silent discharge, namely pulsed plasma model and continuous plasma model. The conversion of CH4 and CO2, and the product distribution over various operation conditions were calculated with a detailed chemical reaction set in methane/carbon dioxide plasma. The model results were compared with experimental data taken from literature. It was found that the model predictions of product distribution agreed well with experimental data taken from literature. An increase in power resulted in increases of conversion but the specific energy consumption was poor. Increasing the feed flow rate made the conversion to decrease and resulted in increases of C2 product selectivity. The CH4/CO2 ratio has extremely large effect on H2/CO ratio in the effluent. With an increase of gas temperature, reactant conversion increase, ethane selectivity decrease and ethylene selectivity increase. Under the same operating conditions, pulsed plasma has better specific energy consumption compared to continuous plasma on reforming of methane and carbon dioxide.


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