  • 學位論文


The Study of Reducing Piping Phenomenon on Slope with Horizontal Permeable Zones

指導教授 : 張德鑫


坡面滲流之水力坡降若超過該土壤臨界水力坡降值,則於坡面上會發生管湧現象,進而造成坡面破壞及發生災害。本研究主要應用王欣雅(2009)推導之邊坡土壤臨界水力坡降值公式,計算坡面於不同坡度下之臨界水力坡降值,並根據鄧雍翰(2010)坡面管湧試驗做為數值模擬模型之驗證,研究中探討施設水平透水帶以減緩邊坡坡面發生管湧現象,探討不同透水帶之水力傳導係數值、施設間距、埋設深度等,其對坡面滲流之降低與降低管湧現象之發生。 本研究首先利用鄧雍翰(2010)之實驗室管湧試驗資料,做為數值模擬之驗證,數值模式採用FEMWATER地下水數值模式,利用模擬所得之水流速度及率定後土體之水力傳導係數,計算管湧破壞面局部之水力坡降值,並與王欣雅(2009)推導之邊坡土壤其臨界水力坡降值公式比較,以驗證理論與實驗數據之差異。 其次,本研究假設在坡腳設置水平透水帶,探討其減緩邊坡坡面發生管湧之現象,以不同透水帶貫入深度、施設間距以及透水帶之水力傳導係數等進行模擬比較,並以王欣雅(2009)之臨界水力坡降理論求得各坡面臨界水力坡降值做為發生管湧之基準值,以比較在不同透水帶下邊坡坡面發生管湧現象之變化以及減緩之影響。


The piping phenomenon occurs when the hydraulic gradient on the slope exceeds its threshold of the soil, causing damage on the slope. This study not only applied Wang’s (2009) formula of the hydraulic gradient with different slope, but also Deng’s (2010) simulation model. In order to investigate the reducing piping phenomenon on slope with horizontal permeable zones. First, we used Deng’s (2010) laboratory data of piping phenomenon as simulation model, with FEMWATER, a commercial software of Finite Element Method simulation. The results of simulations,i.e. the flow velocity and hydraulic conductivity were used to calculate hydraulic gradient. To verify the differences between the results of simulation and Wang’s (2009) study. This study focused on exploring the reducing piping phenomenon with horizontal permeable zones at the toe of slope. Compare the results with different depths, distances and hydraulic conductivity. Finally, try to figure out the relationships between different permeable zones and the reducing piping phenomenon on slope.


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