  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Integrating Cooperative Learning and Cognitive Apprenticeship in a Junior High School Chinese Class

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究採行動研究法,探討教師運用合作學習輔以認知師徒制之教學策略,以解決教學者在教學現場所面臨之困境,並進一步了解教學策略對於學生學習之影響。本研究為期八週,共30個學生參與,研究者經由訪談學生、收集學生作業、觀察學生課堂發表與教師課堂觀察等方式以收集相關資料,並進一步詮釋。本研究獲致結果如下: 1. 國文課實行合作學習輔以認知師徒制,應在課前規劃適宜的教材,協助學生掌握文章重點,促使學生主動思考去解決問題,以提升學生學習之成效。 2. 國文課實行合作學習輔以認知師徒制,應為學生安排適當的小組,使成員相互協助,營造環境促使學生改善學習。 3. 課程實施的行動歷程中,教師經由學生回饋以修正問題,規劃課程之能力也將得到提升。 最後,根據研究結果,研究者提出國文課運用合作學習輔以認知師徒制之建議,以供未來研究者參考。


This study applied an action research to explore a teacher’s implement of the combined cooperative learning and cognitive apprenticeship approach in a Chinese class of a junior high school. It is hoped that this study can help the researcher also the teacher to solve her teaching problems. In addition to this purpose, the researcher further explored the effects of the teaching method on students’ learning. Thirty students participated in the eight-week long study. The researcher collected and analyzed data through interviewing students, evaluating students’ assignments, observing the students’ performances, and recording the teaching process. The results of this study are as follows: 1. While implementing the combined cooperative learning and cognitive apprenticeship approach in the class, the teacher should design appropriate teaching materials, and help students focus on the important ideas of the article. These designs should motivate students to solve problems actively, so that students can improve their learning effectiveness. 2. While implementing the combined cooperative learning and cognitive apprenticeship approach in the class, it is better to assign students in the appropriate groups to encourage them help each other. A teacher should to create an active learning environment to improve students’ learning. 3. Through the action research, the teacher learned to modify her teaching activities based on student feedbacks. This helps the improvement of the teacher’s ability in designing instructional activities. Finally, according to the results of the study, the researcher proposed some suggestions for future researchers to use the combined cooperative learning and cognitive apprenticeship approach in Chinese class.


