  • 學位論文


Analyzing Key Purchasing Factors in Women Underwear Market: The Perspective of Product Attributes

指導教授 : 陳筱琪 蔡文鈞


內衣為女性的生活必需品,根據台灣內衣業者2018年調查,每位女性年購買5至6件內衣,所以提供商品多樣選擇是不敗的道理,面對競爭激烈的內衣市場,業者除了品牌包裝、促銷活動以外,更應該關注消費者觀點。本研究希望透過分析女性內衣產品屬性間之關聯性,以及消費者重視的產品屬性,將有助於內衣設計師及業者對產品設計與機能開發做為參考依據,掌握消費市場先機,創作出真正滿足消費者期望的商品, 本研究以產品屬性觀點探討女性內衣關鍵選購因子,探討的「女性內衣」限胸罩產品,「產品屬性」分類以國內相關文獻為依據,由台灣資深內衣設計師歸納後作屬性分類及準則為基礎,架構出女性內衣產品屬性之構面與準則。再以台灣內衣設計師與曾親自購買過女性內衣的女性消費者為研究對象。設計師部份填寫DANP問卷,透過專家經驗轉換並建立各準則之關聯性,再運用修訂DANP法計算各準則之權重,進而獲得設計師觀點的女性內衣產品屬性關鍵因子。女性消費者部份填寫最重視的產品因子問卷,經統計分析後獲得消費者觀點的女性內衣產品屬性關鍵因子。 研究結果顯示,「原料素材」是最關鍵的產品屬性準則,其次是「品牌」、「造型款式」;此三個累積權重超過全體權重的1/3。此外,超過50%之消費者在乎的女性內衣產品屬性因子包括「內在屬性」的材質透氣性、鋼圈軟硬度、材質的手感觸感、吸濕快乾性、肩帶等,「外在屬性」的產品品質、價格合理性、耐用度、造型款式、罩杯款型及顏色等,「功能屬性」的穿著舒適度、包覆性、實穿性與穿著安定性等,以及「抽象屬性」的符合個人品味、展現美感、生活滿足感及展現自我形象等。 根據研究結果提供實務建議: 1. 消費者比「價格高低」更看重「品質」及「價格合理性」,所以業者著重於提供優質產品,才更有利品牌的長期經營及獲利。 2. 近幾年是訴求舒適之無鋼圈內衣與兼具包覆性、集中托高機能內衣併存的消費市場,然而消費者對產品有物超所值的期待與要求,「調整胸型」與「穿著舒適度」同時存在的功能屬性,是內衣業者未來要努力開發的重點方向。 關鍵字:女性內衣、產品屬性、關鍵因子、修訂DANP法


For women lingerie is a necessity. According to Taiwan’s lingerie industry survey in 2018, every woman purchases 5 to 6 pieces of underwear per year. Hence, providing a wide range of products is a winning factor. In the fiercely competitive lingerie market, besides brand packaging and promotion activities, shoppers’ opinions are worth noting. This study aimed to analyze the correlation among the product attributes of lingerie, and the product attributes that are valued by consumers, in order to provide lingerie designers and companies with reference in product design and functionality development, helping them to seize business opportunities ahead of others, thereby creating products that can truly satisfy consumer expectations. This study explored the critical factors of women's lingerie shopping from the aspect of product attributes. The subject of this study, “lingerie”, was limited to bras. The classification of product attributes was based on the relevant domestic literature. The structure and criteria of lingerie product attributes were compiled based on the attribute classifications and criteria summarized by Taiwan’s senior lingerie designers. The objects of this study were Taiwan’s lingerie designers and female consumers who have purchased lingerie in person. The designers filled in DANP questionnaires, and then the correlation of criteria was converted and established through experts’ experience. The modified DANP was used to calculate the weight of each criterion to obtain the critical factors of lingerie product attributes from the designers’ viewpoint. Female consumers filled in questionnaires on product factors that they value most. Through statistical analysis, these critical factors from the consumers’ viewpoints were obtained. The results show that “raw materials” was the most critical product attribute criterion, followed by “brand” and “form and style”. The cumulative weight of these three attributes was more than one third of total weight. Product attributes valued by more than 50% consumers included “intrinsic attributes” (material breathability, hardness of underwire, material touch, moisture absorption and releasability of straps); “extrinsic attributes” (product quality, price reasonableness, durability, form and style, cup shape and color); “functional attributes” (wearing comfort, coverage, practicability and wearing stability); and “abstract attributes” (personal taste, aesthetic display, life satisfaction and self-image display). The following practical suggestions are based on the results of this study: 1.Consumers value “quality” and “price reasonableness” more than “price” per se. Hence, providing quality products is the key to the brands’ sustainable operation and profitability. 2.The consumer market in recent years has been emphasizing comfortable wireless bras with features such as coverage and push up. Consumers also expect value-for-money, and functional attributes such as “shape adjustment” and “wearing comfort”. These are the directions that lingerie companies should follow in the future. Keywords: lingerie, product attribute, critical factor, modified DANP


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