  • 學位論文


Development of a simple method to measure cardiac rhythm in zebrafish embryos and its application on drug assessment

指導教授 : 蕭崇德




斑馬魚 ImageJ 心律 血流


Assessment of the drugs and compounds is the one of the most critical aspect in the drug development. Miss-target property can produce undesired side effects that sometimes lead into lethal consequences. Cardiotoxicity is one of the most common issues. The alteration in the heart beat could be slow down, faster, or irregular rhythm between atrium and ventricle beating. Long QT cases often found in the non-cardiovascular drugs. Animal model could be used to study the detailed process of drug’s side effect, it can be applied in the clinical trial and after marketing phase. Zebrafish is the emerging animal model that has many advantages. Offspring number of zebrafish could reach high amount and the embryonic development process is rapid. After 72hpf heart and blood circulation system already fully developed, observation can be done in early stage. In the initial stage, zebrafish body is transparent making it possible to observe the internal organs including heart from the outside. As a low-level vertebrate, even though the heart chamber number is different from that of human, zebrafish shares the same action potential, molecular, and physiological mechanism of heart like human. Resting heart beat rate of zebrafish is close to human heart beat rate. Blood flow is correlated with heart beating. When the rhythm got altered, the blood flow was also interrupted. Zebrafish has closed blood circulation system same as human, making it possible to use zebrafish as blood model for human disease. Previous methods have been established to calculate the heart rate and blood flow velocity. However, expensive and complicated apparatus is one of the limitation for the other scientists to conduct the experiment. Complicated manual script and programing language is another difficulty. The specific aim of this thesis is to provide low cost and easy setup for heart beat rate and blood flow velocity assessment. By adapting ImageJ as an open source platform, we are able to measure the heart rhythm and blood flow velocity from the wild type zebrafish embryos.


Zebrafish ImageJ heart rate blood flow velocity


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