  • 學位論文


An Evaluative and Analytical Research on Party Lighting Design: Using EEG and Kansei Engineering as the Means

指導教授 : 陳秀雯 呂志維


近年來,國內夜店派對與各類型的大型戶外派對日漸盛行,對於炒熱活動場所的因素不外乎有音樂、燈光、表演者、飲食等等,而影響程度最大的因素較有可能是音樂及燈光效果,許多表演者在登台演出時,相當重視燈光的效果安排,那燈光是否能成為一場表演中成功的因素之一,或許有其探討的必要性,惜本土派對燈光之感性相關研究很稀少。在本研究中將以感性工程方法與腦電波(EEG)去分析派對中常見的燈光與音樂的結合,並找出其中有效的感性因子,希望能將研究之結果適時的應用在派對燈光設計的參考。 本研究透過燈光的冷暖色與燈光變換的多寡安排四種不同的燈光變換效果,並搭配燈光感性詞彙問卷與腦波圖的量測確認人類在不同實驗條件搭配下,所表現的興奮程度高低,並透過獲得之數據結果進行統計分析,推論出哪一種燈光配置較容易引起人類的情緒歡愉及興奮,本實驗將感性因子分為以下四種:「感官因子、豐富因子、魅力因子、舒適因子」,在暖色多元的模式下,主觀問卷的「感官因子」與客觀數據的「覺醒水準」獲得較高的分數,而在冷色多元的燈光下獲得最好的心理感受;變換程度較低的燈光模式中,燈光的冷暖則呈現不顯著差異,因此在派對燈光中,燈光的變化量較燈光的冷暖色能影響人類的興奮程度較大。


In recent years, domestic nightclub and various types of large outdoor parties have become increasingly popular. The factors for the hot activity venues are nothing more than music, lighting, performers, diet, etc., and the most influential factors are more likely to be music and The lighting effect, many performers pay great attention to the arrangement of lighting effects when they perform on stage. Whether the lighting can become one of the factors of success in the performance may have the necessity of discussion, but the research on the sensitivity of local lighting and party Very rare. In this study, the Kansei Engineering method and brain wave (EEG) will be used to analyze the combination of common lighting and music in the party, and find out the effective inductive factors. I hope that the results of the research can be applied to the party lighting design in a timely manner. reference. In this study, four different light transformation effects were arranged through the light and warm color of the light and the amount of light conversion, and the measurement of the light sensibility vocabulary questionnaire and the brain wave map confirmed that the degree of excitement of human beings under different experimental conditions was high and low. Through statistical analysis of the data obtained, it is inferred which kind of lighting configuration is more likely to cause human emotions and excitement. In the warm multivariate mode, the sensory factors and objective data in subjective questionnaires are highly excited. The best psychological feeling is obtained under the light of multiple colors of light; in the light mode with lower degree of change, the warmth and the warmth of the light are not significantly different. The experimental results of this study show that the amount of change in light can affect the degree of excitement and warm light can cause human excitement.


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