  • 學位論文


The Influence of Brief Mindfulness Induction and Dispositional Mindfulness on Emotional Directed Forgetting: in Dysphoric Undergraduates

指導教授 : 葉理豪




Introduction: The prevalence of depression is getting higher in Taiwanese undergraduates. It has great benefit for emotional regulation if the individual can improve the memory control ability, like recall less unpleasant messages, or more positive memories. Studies have shown that the mindfulness based intervention (MBI) can increase positive and reduce negative memory, and the dispositional mindfulness (DM) also play an important role of MBI. Therefore, the study is to investigate the influence of brief mindfulness induction (BMI) and DM on emotional words in dysphoric undergraduates and expected that the recall rate of the BMI group on the TBF negative words will be significantly lower than that of the mind-wandering (MW) group. The recall rate of the BMI group on the TBR positive words will be significantly higher than MW group. The source monitoring (SM) rate of the BMI group will be significantly higher than MW group. Participants with low DM can benefit from BMI. There will be a directed forgetting (DF) effect in the SM rate. DM is negatively correlated with TBF negative words, whereas it’s positively correlated with TBR positive words. Method: 79 dysphoric undergraduates were recruited. The list method DF was applied. Manipulations were participants received the BMI or not, and also the valence, arousal, and lists of words. In the study phase, there were 2 lists (TBF and TBR) on the screen. After the study phase, participants separately received the BMI or the MW 10 minutes. In the test phase, all participants received free recall and SM test. DM was measured by the self-reported questionnaire. Result: It showed that the recall rate of BMI group with low DM was higher than the MW group. The DF effect appeared in the participants with high DM. In the participants with low DM, the DF effect only appeared on low arousal words, and the ironic process effect (IPE) appeared on high arousal words. In the participants with high DM, the SM rate of TBR was higher than TBF. In the participants with low DM, the SM rate of TBF high arousal words was greater than TBF low arousal words in the MW group. However, the SM rate of TBF had no arousal difference in the BMI group. Participants with low DM, the SM rate of positive low arousal words was greater than negative low arousal words in the BMI group. However, the SM rate of TBR had no valence difference in the MW group. As expected, DM is negatively correlated with TBF negative words, whereas it was positively correlated with TBR positive high arousal words. Discussion: This is the first study found that DM are highly correlated with memory control. Participants with high DM could inhibit more negative words and remember more positive high arousal words. Participants with high DM could forget TBF by neutralizing arousal of words with nonjudgement. Participants with low DM might suppress high arousal words, and it led to IPE. The BMI group with low DM could remember the source of memory accurately. Participants with high DM could know the source of negative memory better. Limitations were the time of BMI is too short and BMI is a part of traditional meditation. It’s hard to find that the promotion of DM had an influence on emotional memory by BMI, and it’s also hard to generate the result to traditional meditation.


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