  • 學位論文


The History and New Life of Military Housing -A case study of Chi-li Community, Zhongli, Taoyuan

指導教授 : 黃慶輝




There were more than 800 settlements in the form of military housing in Taiwan, with people from almost everywhere in mainland China, during the peak time. From the introduction of building public housing starting from 1979 to the suspension of reconstructing old housing in 2006, military housing has accomplished its milestone in Taiwan history. All the military housing, under the clear instructions from the government, has integrated into Taiwan society. Being the second generation of mainlanders from China, the writer has lived in the Chi-li Community, Zhongli, Taoyuan City since the reconstruction of the military settlement. Worrying that the death of the first generation of the mainlanders may bury the symbolic meaning of such settlements, the writer thinks there should be a better-fitted way to preserve these people’s endeavors and their past. The resulting culture should be kept safe to meet the expectations of the people living in the military settlements. Therefore, how to manage and keep the memories of the people living in such settlements and how to keep the “essence of such military settlements” in the new Chi-li Community and make it a model are the main focuses in this study. This study focuses on Chi-li Community, the largest community in South Taoyuan, and its history. A case study will be conducted to collect the historical materials, have interviews with the people, and to compare the satellite pictures for knowing how Chi-li Village and the other 22 settlements migrate over time, hoping to let the current residents in Chi-li Community know more about their past. Besides, with the attempt to combine placemaking and community construction, preservation of military housing culture, and the concept of environmental education facilities, an investigation of facilities and feasible management will be conducted in the hope of bringing up culturally and economically practical building proposals. This study aims to investigate the city planning of Taoyuan City and the changes that such planning would cause Chi-li Community to have in terms of space syntax theory. A vision and a blueprint are thus proposed for the management and future spatial planning of Chi-li Community. Military settlements constitute how the people in Taiwan have migrated and how Taiwan has developed. Because of this chance of writing this study, the writer has found that there are still many people caring about the cultural heritage of such settlements, and the writer hopes to be the voice for military settlements to make the preservation of such settlements complete.


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