  • 學位論文


Analyzing Key Factors Driving The Regulation of Disposable Products Based on The Diffusion of Innovation Theory : as Example Plastic Bag and Plastic Straw

指導教授 : 陳筱琪 陳文良


隨著環境問題逐漸增加漸漸影響到了人們生存與健康,聯合國也表示現在的產品與消費模式是使全球環境持續惡化的主因之一,因此世界各地無論是政府或企業都展開了環保相關政策,減少使用一次性產品的使用。在台灣也有相關的管制一次性產品政策,如管制塑膠袋政策與管制吸管政策。其中塑膠袋管制政策從2002年開始實施至今,並不斷修正政策,並以2030年全面禁用塑膠袋為目標,管制一次性塑膠袋政策的成功是本研究想探討的其中一個問題;而不同的一次性產品其管制政策是否會讓民眾有不同的態度是本研究想探討的另外一個問題。本研究將以創新擴散模型作為基礎,以及後續學者所提出的建議作為輔助,以此了解本研究所想探討的問題。 本研究針對在台灣台北市與新北市生活的民眾,作為本研究之研究範圍及對象,使用網路問卷、紙本問卷進行調查,經由人工整理並扣除無效問卷後,回收有效問卷為 412份,透過 SPSS 統計軟體進行信度分析、相關分析及迴歸分析來取得本研究資料之分析結果。 根據本研究發現,兼容性、可試用性與可觀察性構面為最主要的關鍵因子,其中可試用性為主要關鍵因子中最重要因子;管制不同的一次性產品中,僅在相對優勢呈現差異;在不同背景因素中僅在可觀察性具有差異,相對優勢、複雜性為部分差異,兼容性、可試用性不具差異。本研究認為管制一次性塑膠袋政策將較於管制一次性吸管政策的成功歸功於政策已經行之有年,並隨著時間不停調整政策,除此之外台灣民眾大多具備環保政策的知識涵養,使政策能夠推行至今。最後,期望透過本論文得出的研究結果,能對目前的政府、企業或社會有正面的幫助,作為未來環保產品或規則擬定的參考。


As environmental problems gradually increase and gradually affect people's survival and health, the United Nations said that current consumption patterns are one of the main causes of the continuous deterioration of the global environment. Therefore, governments and companies around the world have launched environmental protection policies to reduce Use of disposable products. In Taiwan, there are also related policies for the control of disposable products, such as the control of plastic bags and the control of plastic straws. Among them, the plastic bag control policy has been implemented since 2002, and the policy has been continuously revised, and the policy goal is to ban plastic bags in 2030. one of the issues that this study wants to discuss is why the policy is successful ; Whether the regulatory policies of different disposable products will cause people to have different attitudes is another question that this study wants to explore. This research will be based on the innovation diffusion model and the suggestions made by the follow-up scholars as an aid to understand the issues that this research wants to explore. This research is for the consumers live or work in Taipei and New Taipei City as subjects. After manualorganization and elimination of invalid questionnaires, 412 valid questionnaires werecollected. Subsequently, statistical analysis software SPSS was used to conduct the reliabilityanalysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and other data processing methods. The results showed that compatibility, trialability and observability are the most important key factors, and trialability is the most important factor among the main key factors; Among the different disposable products regulated, only the relative advantage show differences; Among the different background factors, there is only a difference in observability. The relative advantages and complexity are partly different, and compatibility and trialability are not different. This study believes that the policy of regulating disposable plastic bags is more successful than the policy of regulating disposable straws because the policy has been implemented for many years, and the policy has been adjusted over time, besides most people in Taiwan have knowledge about environmental protection policies, so they can implement the policy so far. Finally, it is hoped that the research results obtained through this paper can positively help the current government, enterprise or society, and serve as a reference for future environmental protection products or rules.


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