  • 學位論文

敘事力空間與體驗經濟鏈結的產業競爭力 -以台北信義路樂活酒窖為例

A Study of Spatial Narrative and Experience Economy on the Competitiveness of Retail Industry - An Example of the LaVie Wine Celler

指導教授 : 魏主榮


隨著時代的改變之下,電子商務所帶起的價格戰,使商業實體店面對越來越趨於競爭強烈的市場,銷售量飽受衝擊,但過去幾年的突飛猛進,企業紛紛投入電子商務,發展越來越成熟,市場卻也趨近飽和,同時消費者開始重視購買過程中的感官樂趣,比起商品本身更重視難忘的體驗記憶,而實體店確實比起電商更擁有能讓消費者實際體驗的優勢,因此許多品牌也紛紛轉向實體店面布局,無不透過體驗手法,希望為商品找到新的生存價值空間,然而過去店鋪只關注商品的擺設、環境等硬體設施,強調對商品的「展」功能,但體驗經濟是從生活出發,談情境,在消費過程是一場觸動人心的經驗,而空間即是塑造情境最重要的媒介,以塑造感官體驗讓顧客在五感上有耳目一新的感受,更希望藉由創造有感的消費情境傳達品牌的價值,驅動消費者認同,更緊密牽起彼此的關係。 故本研究以文化符碼理論為基礎並以個案分析深入了解如何在空間呈現品牌價值並將體驗做有效的整合,強化顧客印象,並且歸納出適合商業空間的分析方法-文化符碼分析,找出可作為主題和素材的,並且利用敘事性設計架構提供設計者如何解讀品牌以及應用,最後以得出的方法架構應用於台北信義路樂活酒窖為案例作實際的分析與設計操作,並且加入體驗的內容,進行空間設計在詮釋品牌價值並且結合消費者體驗,整合於空間做出品牌之間的差異化。


The price war brought by e-commerce has caused brick-and-mortar retailers to face an increasingly competitive market, and the sales volume has been hit severely. However, in the past few years, with the flourishing development of e-commerce, this market is becoming saturated. Meanwhile, consumers begin to value the feeling of purchase process, and also pay more attention to buying experience than product itself. As a result, with the advantage of bricks-and-mortar stores where consumers can actually experience, some stores start to focus on how to build new value for products through creating the experience between brands and consumers. Nevertheless, creating the experience is not just to emphasize the furnishings or how to display products. Instead, it’s about how we shape the buying scenario and how we emphasizing the effect on people’s lives by selling goods or services. As we mentioned before, consumers recognize that there’s more to life than just having stuff. Therefore, to give a touching experience in buying process, sales space plays an important role as a medium to shape the scenario for conveying the value of the brand. In this study, we analyzed in depth on how to effectively present the value of brand by integrating experience design in commercial spaces based on Design Culture Codes Theory. We’ve also summarized an analytical method of how to interpret brands to strengthen consumer’s impression. Finally, this method is applied to a wine cellar at Xinyi Rd. in Taipei as a case of showing how the method help the designer to analyze the brand and to integrate experience design into space to differentiate the brand from others.


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