  • 學位論文


Index Yancheng–sense of yancheng: the observation, presentation, image collection and collage

指導教授 : 陳宇進


“Things and men form the environment for each of man's activities, which would be pointless without such location; yet this environment, the world into which we are born, would not exist without the human activity which produced it.” (Hannah Arendt,2000) 環境透過人、事、物與活動的支撐而存在,活動使主體(人、事、物)與客體(環境)互動,使環境聚焦、包覆,形成了有意義的區位,即是地方。當活動消失,主體亦分散,環境將無限延伸,失去定義的狀態。 一、地方所在 當人開始介入環境,產生建築與活動,環境被包庇與聚集,時間形成社會與文化,而環境開始能夠有範圍的被界定形成「地方」。本研究提出建構與支撐地方存在的三個要素:「本質」、「時間」、「敘事」,從地方本質(自明性、認同感、紀念性)的探討到地方感存在的重要性,以及我們如何維持、喚醒、編寫地方感: a.「本質」 地方經常被談論著如何被建構。在地方具有指認的能力之前,應先提出地方是如何產生,而地方亦產生什麼,因此才足夠被感知。 b.「時間」 地方的恆常不變,地方內容物的類型具有獨特性與共通性。因此在連續性的轉變下,地方本身依然不變,只是隨著時間創造、維持、崩解的變化。時間使事物層層疊加,已知(過去-現在)的軌跡應是無限延伸到未知的(未來)。然而時間觸發的是反應當下、是想像與憧憬,是多重敘事。 c.「敘事」 地方的敘事性,即為故事,講述一地方的故事,亦有時間的排序、編輯。透過場所空間作為敘事空間,產生經驗的迴響。皮層能夠傳達訊息使被閱讀,材料的地域性、時間性能夠被感官認知。 二、在此地方 當人們在介入環境,定居於此地開始建築的行為,因地方的特質不同形成不同的形式,而這項本質可以作為依據;作為指認地方的特徵;作為未來在此地所創造的根本,因此本研究透過採集與拼貼的方式挖掘地方的本質作為設計依據。 本研究選擇高雄的鹽埕作為設計切入的基地,在鹽埕可以看見時間延遲的樣貌,使我們當今還能夠推論它的脈絡與獨特性,挖掘尚未消除的潛在故事,透過分析與編排重新與人對話。 三、身/生/深在地方 透過設計物件的植入引導/輔助對地方的認識,提煉對地方的意象與情感。驗證人對地方保有想像的品質是重要的,才能輸出對地方的敘事文本,使地方具有能夠挖掘的深度,有地方感。 四、_的地方 每個人認識的地方都是不完全的,不同的意識認識地方後所得到的個性解釋與認同感都會提煉出不同的意象/想像與經驗,而自身經驗為地方撰寫的敘事/文本,使地方成為「__(自身)的地方」。而這般想像的品質與地方(感)的塑造相互影響,因此當我們能夠不斷為地方編寫與產生想像時,地方感才能持續存在、根著。


地方感 時間 敘事 意象 拼貼


“Things and men form the environment for each of man's activities, which would be pointless without such location; yet this environment, the world into which we are born, would not exist without the human activity which produced it.” (Hannah Arendt,2000) The environment exists through the support of people, things, objects and activities. Activities make the subject (people, things, objects) interact with the object (environment), focus and merge the environment, and form a meaningful location, that is, a place. When activities disappear, the subject is also scattered, the environment will extend infinitely and lose its defined state. 1. Place When people begin to intervene in the environment to produce buildings and activities, the environment is sheltered and gathered, time forms society and culture, and the environment begins to be defined in a range to form a "place". This research proposes three elements of constructing and supporting the existence of a place: "essence", "time" and "narrative". From the discussion of the essence of a place (self-evidence, identity, monumentality) to the importance of the existence of the sense of place, and how we maintain, awaken, and write the sense of place: a. "Essence" A place is often discussed how to be constructed. Before a place is able to be identified, it is necessary to propose how a place is generated, and what a place produces first, so that it can be sufficiently perceived. b. "Time" A place is constant, and the type of local content is unique and common. Therefore, under the continuous change, a place itself remains the same with the change of creating, maintaining, and disintegrating as time goes by. Time makes things overlayed layer upon layer, and it is known that the track of “past to present” should extend infinitely to the unknown “future”. However, time triggers the reaction of the present, imagination, vision, and multiple narratives. c. "Narrative" The narrative of a place is a story. It tells the story of a place with the sequence and editing of time. Through we regard the space of a place as a narrative space, the experiential response is generated. The cortex can convey the information to be read, and the regionality and timeliness of materials can be recognized by the senses. 2. In this place When people intervene in the environment and settle here to start having constructing behavior, different formats are formed due to the different characteristics of the place, and this essence can be used as a basis; as the characteristic of identifying the place; as the foundation of future creation in this place, so this research uses collection and collage to excavate the essence of a place as a design basis. In this study, Kaohsiung’s Yancheng was selected as the base for the design. We can see the time delay in Yancheng, so that we can still now infer its context and uniqueness, explore the potential stories that have not yet been eliminated, and reconnect it with people through analysis and arrangement. 3. Born/Live/Deep in the place Through the implantation of design objects, it can guide/support the understanding of a place, refine the image and emotion of a place. It is also important to verify the quality of the person’s imagination of a place in order to output the narrative text of it, so that the place has the depth to be explored, namely a sense of place. 4. The place of _ Everyone knows a place incompletely. The interpretation of personality and the sense of identity obtained by different consciousness after knowing the place will extract different images/imagination and experience, and their own experience is the narrative/text of the place, making the place become "_(Self) place". However, the quality of such imagination and the shaping of place (sense of place) interact with each other. Therefore, when we can continually compose for the place and generate imagination, the sense of place can continue to exist and root.


Sense of place Time Narrative Image Collage


王淳隆 1980 Christian Norberg Schulz 1971 實存、空間、建間 台隆
施植明 1992  Aldo Rossi 1966 城市建築 科技圖書
王志弘 1993 Italo Calvino 1972 看不見的城市 時報出版
施植明 1995 Christian Norberg Schulz 1979 場所精神-邁向建築現象學 田園城市文化
