  • 學位論文


The Study of Enterprise Development Positively Impact by Human Resources Shared Service Center

指導教授 : 丁姵元


摘要 長期觀察人力資源管理工作,深刻體認人力資源對企業發展的重要性,人力 資源面對的是企業和員工相關事宜,當員工感受到企業提供服務的溫度,員工會 在工作上給予回饋,所以如何塑造有效的人力資源組織共創雙贏局面是一門重要 課題。 本研究採用質性研究,使用半結構式的深度訪談法,邀請八位具有人力資源 背景的高階主管接受訪談,八位受訪者分別來自光電、封測、3C 代工、面板廠 及跨國人力資源顧問公司,除具有多年人力資源管理實務經驗,而且都有從事或 導入人力資源共享服務中心的實際經驗,針對使用「人力資源共享服務中心」之 心得與看法提出見解。 訪談逐字稿經過思索、淬取、篩選及歸納過程, 加以編碼呈現受訪者對於「人 力資源共享服務中心」的關鍵看法及效益, 歸納出五個人力資源共享服務中心對 企業發展正向影響的效益好處, 包括「管理效能、企業效益、員工關懷、勞資和 諧、科技發展」, 再從五大歸類效益從中細部拆解得到十五項細部效益。 經由本研究經深度訪談顯示, 大型集團且具有多事業單位的組織成立人力 資源共享服務中心,達到質量、流程、規範在管理一致性的好處,以優化、標 準化產品品質、減少資源重疊所造成的浪費。當共享服務中心持續發揮擴大效 應之後,勢必在人力資源配置上產生一定程度的規模經濟,為組織帶來長遠的 貢獻〪


Abstract Long-term observation of human resources management,deeply understand the importance of human resources to enterprise development。Human resources are dealing with issues related to enterprises and employees. When employees feel the temperature of services provided by the company, employees will give feedback at work. Therefore, how to shape an effective human resources organization to create a win-win situation is an important topic. This research adopts qualitative research and uses a semi-structured in-depth interview method to invite eight senior executives with human resources background to be interviewed. The eight interviewees are from optoelectronics, packaging and testing, 3C foundry, panel makers, and multinational human resources. In addition to many years of practical experience in human resources management, resource consulting companies have practical experience in engaging or introducing human resources shared service centers, and provide insights on the use of "human resources shared service centers". The verbatim manuscript of the interview went through the process of thinking, extracting, screening and summarizing, and coded to present the interviewees' key views and benefits of the ``HR Shared Service Center'', and concluded that the five HR shared service centers have a positive impact on the company's development The benefits include "management effectiveness, corporate benefits, employee care, labormanagement harmony, and technological development", and then fifteen detailed benefits are obtained from the five categories of benefits. According to in-depth interviews in this research, large groups and organizations with multiple business units set up human resources shared service centers to achieve the benefits of consistency in quality, process, and regulation in order to optimize and standardize product quality and reduce resource overlap. Waste. When the shared service center continues to exert its expansion effect, it will inevitably produce a certain degree of economies of scale in the allocation of human resources, which will bring long-term contributions to the organization.


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