  • 學位論文


Studies of Performant Evaluations for Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects ─Case studies of Transportation Facilities

指導教授 : 王隆昌


近年來因囿於政府財政日漸困難,為鼓勵民間資金挹注投資參與國家重大公共建設,如藉由民間較具效率的公共服務及管理技巧,除可減輕政府財政負擔外,更可提昇政府經營效能並帶動經濟成長。因此國內為引進民間參與機制,於民國89年2月公佈實施「促進民間參與公共建設法」,將傳統由政府自辦的公共建設,開放給民間來興建及營運;透過民間的資金、創意及管理技術,讓公共建設的服務品質更好。惟反觀近幾年來,幾項具代表性指標之公共促參投資計畫,如「建設南北高速鐵路BOT計畫」、「高雄都會區大眾捷運系統紅橘線路網計畫」等促參計畫,因財務計畫規劃、履約興建施工品質、特許興建營運合約之擬定不佳,且案件之主辦機關對於促參法令不熟稔及缺乏一套有效之績效管理機制,致造成社會大眾對促參案件普遍觀感不佳,進而對於民間參與公共建設案件缺乏信心,亦造成公務部門在執行促參案件時產生莫大的壓力。依據工程會資料,截至96年4月10日為止,工程會列管之促參案件總數共200件,計畫規模總計2,783億元,民間投資額度2,344.2億元;而其中又以交通建設之投資金額為13項法定公共建設之最。以一件促參案投資契約期限短則10到15年、長則30到50年之內,然卻仍未研訂出具體有效的營運階段績效管理制度或評估方法,故為具體達成價值管理之目標,實應建立一套質化與量化兼顧的績效衡量指標,以助於客觀評估並擴展促參案之績效。 本研究經由相關文獻資料回顧、交通建設列管促參案件現況之探討、專家訪談與問卷調查等方式進行研究。研究方法則採用「平衡計分卡」結合「因素分析」,以探討建構促參交通建設計畫在特許期之營運管理績效衡量指標與權重。並依據平衡計分卡理論建立出營運績效評估制度,篩選「財務」、「顧客」、「內部流程」、「學習與成長」等四個構面外,再增列出「資訊系統」共五個構面,初擬建立20個衡量指標及96個評估準則,藉由專家問卷方式建構營運績效評估指標,以探討賦予促參交通建設計畫營運績效評估共通性指標與絕對權重,作為爾後辦理績效評估之依據。


Due to the worsening Government financial situation, investment from Private Sector for participating major State Infrastructure Projects has been promoting for decades. Aside from releasing Government financial stress and contributing to economic growth, by introducing more efficient management skills and technologies, the Public Services Performance has been upgraded. Thus for introducing Private Participation, the“Statute for Promoting Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects”was issued in Feb 2000 for promoting public construction quality and service efficiency by introducing management skills and technologies along with the Private Participation. Nevertheless, recent major Project like 「South-North High Speed Rail BOT Project」、 「Kaohsiung Municipal Mass Rapid Transit System Red-Orange Network Program」have demonstrated the feature of deficient contracting and financial plan、poor construction quality、unfamiliar of the related regulation、lack of Management Performance Evaluation,as a result theses counterexamples have caused public negative impressions upon Private Participation Projects and led to losing faith for upcoming Private Participation Project. Up to now there are 200 registered Projects with amount of 278.3 billion NT in which 234.4 billion funding was from Private Participation; among those the investment for Public Transportation Projects account the most. Each project contracting period spans10 to 50 years, yet no substantial and effective Management Performance Evaluation mechanism has been established so far. Hence a systematic qualitative and quantitative Performance Evaluation Index shall be established for better and objectively evaluating the performance of Private Participation Project. Balanced Scorecard and Factor Analysis being the methodology of this study, the research proceeded with the reviewing of related documentation and the implementation of the registered Public Transportation Private Participation Project, also the Expert Interview and Questionnaire approach was conducted to construct the Performance and Weighing Index. Based on Balanced Scorecard theory and by Expert Interview and Questionnaire, besides 「finance」、「customer」、「internal process」、「learning and growing」 4 categories, an additional「information system」category was introduced to establish 20 evaluation index and 96 evaluation criteria., the result of this study has constructed Performance Evaluation structure for Transportation Facilities , and hopefully can be utilized for future application of the similar Project.


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