  • 學位論文


A Study of The Execution Mechanism to Contract out The Pulic Service of Removing The Illegal Buildings –Taking Taipei County For Example

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


在土地資源有限的台灣,從鄰里的小環境到城鄉之間四處充斥著違章建築,其影響層面不但涉及公共安全、公共交通及公共衛生等問題,更是城鄉景觀風貌的殺手。政府極力推廣避免民眾搭蓋違章建築,除將拆除違章建築列為重要施政方針,並成立專責部門推動拆除業務,然其成效有限。探究其因,除人力編制及拆除機具有限外,政府在執行違章建築拆除業務時,必須面對各樣的阻力與干擾。另外,違章建築拆除經費,除少數縣市政府已完成立法程序,拆除費用由違章建築所有人自行負擔外,其餘縣市政府皆透過編列公部門預算執行。換言之,少數人不法作為,其所衍生的社會成本必須由全民買單。故違章建築之拆除強制收費,達公共財支出公平原則為必然趨勢。據內政部營建署統計,目前全國尚未拆除之違章建築數量高達50萬件,其中台北縣市約佔全國的1/3,民眾興建違章建築數量遠高於政府執行公權力拆除數量的數倍之多。因此,如何提高違章建築拆除績效,進而達到遏阻效果,為當務之急。 行政程序法第16條訂有明文「行政機關得依法規將其權限之一部分,委託民間團體或個人辦理」。違章建築拆除業務委託民間辦理,運用民間豐沛資源,借重其專業技術及調度人力與物力的靈活度來執行,不失為提高拆除績效,降低政府執行業務成本的一帖良藥。本文主要針對國內違章建築現況調查分析、政府部門違章建築認定及拆除處理課題、拆除人力機具進行分析檢討,並探討現有雇工租械、按件計酬輔助拆除方式之優劣,釐清相關問題與對策。同時,探討行政機關業務委託民間辦理的立論基礎,剖析政府違章建築拆除業務委託民間辦理之委託方式,透過政府監督管理下,建立一套可行的委託民間辦理之作業程序及相關配套機制設計,作為未來公部門違章建築拆除業務委託民間辦理之作業執行參考,達成公私部門合作,創造雙贏局面。


In Taiwan, a small island without enough lands, is conquered by the unlicensed buildings everywhere around the country. Such phenomena, not only produces problems of public security, public traffic, and public health, but also becomes a murderer of the landscape of the cities and countrysides. The government does his utmost to deter the people from constructing unlicensed buildings. Besides to take removing illegal buildings as an important administrative policy, the government also sets up specially responsible department for the business. However, the result is not satisfying. To probe into the reason, besides the inadequate manpower and facilities, the government officers always face all kinds of obstructions and interferences while they execuate the business of removing illegal buildings. In addition,the expence of removing unlicensed buildings most comes from the government budget,while only a few of county and municipal governments have finished the legislative procedure to rule that the owners should pay for tearing down their illegal houses. In other words, the social cost due to few people’s illegal behaviors, however, have to be paid by the whole people ,so the compulsory pay for the business of removing the unlicensed buildings is an inevitable trend ,which is helpful to balance the cost and income of the public fortune. According to the statistics made by the Construction and Planning Agency of Ministry of Interior, the quantity of unremoved illegal buildings yet in the whole country at present is up to 500,000, among them Taipei city and county account for 1/3. The numbers of illegal buildings made by the people are much higher than the numbers torn down by the government. Therefore,how to improve the performace of removing illegal buildings,and reach the effect of hindering, it is the top priority. Base on the 16th article of the Administrative Procedure Act :「An administrative authority may commission under law a private entity or individual to perform a part of its duties.」,the government is able to contract out the pulic service of removing the illegal buildings. By the way of using the plentiful resources, professional technique and flexibility of manpower and resources,it is rather a good medicine to raise the government performace and reduce the cost.This research mainly investigates and analyses the situation of the illegal buildings in our country,the subjects of checking and removing the illegal buildings ,and the analysis of the manpower and facilities.It compares the strength&weakness of the present system- to hire workers and machines ,then to pay the wages according to the numbers of the removed illegal buildings. It also clarifies the relating problems and measures. Meanwhile,this article discusses the theory base and the model of contracting out the pulic service of tearing down the illegal buildings. Under the management and supervision of the government, it is feasible to set up the procedure and execution mechanism to contract out the pulic service of removing the illegal buildings,which is able to be the references for the government. And the win-win situation can be created under the cooperation between the public and private departments.


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