  • 學位論文


Analysis and Design of a Variable Intake Manifold

指導教授 : 徐正會 蔡西杰


本研究係有關新型可變進氣歧管(Variable Intake Manilfold)之機構設計,收先蒐集現有專利公報及文獻背景,並加以整理、分類及分析。根據所收集之文獻將可變進氣歧管依可變方式加以分類分析,以便作為開發新型可變進氣歧管,即結合歧管截面、長度、通道數皆可變之進氣歧管的參考。再利用機構合成方法,依設計需求與限制,找出適合本研究所需要的可變進氣歧管之運動鏈轉換成特殊化運動鏈圖集,並透過3D繪圖軟體 SolidWorks 2007,建立可變進氣歧管系統之3D模型,確認其桿件間無干涉情況發生,最後再利用電腦輔助分析軟體COSMOSFlowWork進行流體分析,確認可變進氣歧管可隨著引擎轉速提升而增加進氣量,以作為後續實體打樣參考。


This thesis research concentrates on the construction design of new Variable Intake Manifold, Researches of Variable Intake Manifold’s patent and literature had been collected, analyzed and classify. According to the collected documentation of Variable Intake Manifold can be classified and analyzed as its variable and be the reference direction. That is combined the intake manifold of cross-section, length and number of channel. The mechanism synthesize methods is used to understand the requirements and constrains of Variable Intake Manifold. Find the specialized kinematics chain suitable for this research and organize them into a serious of graphics, Through the 3D drawing software- SolidWorks 2007 to establish variable intake manifold system 3D models, and confirm its structure without interference. Finally, use computer-aided analysis software COSMOSFlowWork to carry out fluid analysis, make sure that the Variable Intake Manifold can increase the intake by raise the engine’s rotational speed, as a sample item of forthcoming manufacturing.


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