  • 學位論文


The Research of Intuitive Gestures for the Computer-Version Based Interface - A Case Study of TV Manipulation

指導教授 : 黃銘智


微軟在2010年推出的Kinect for Xbox體感遊戲,使用者以肢體動作進行遊戲,開創人機互動介面的里程碑。體感介面以使用者自然的行為(動作、聲音)作為指令,不需要滑鼠、鍵盤等傳統輸入介面,即可跟內容互動,甚至不需要學習也可使用。 本研究發展體感介面,以遙控電視的情境設計八項操作指令:(1)開啟電源。(2)開啟:聲音控制。(3)音量增加。(4)音量降低。(5)開啟:頻道切換。(6)頻道數字增加。(7)頻道數字減少。(8)關閉電源。透過調查和評量,歸納八項操作指令對應的動作,架設體感遙控介面請受測者測試八項操作指令。 受測者未經過任何學習過程,依照直覺嘗試操作八項指令;受測者經歷學習過程後,操作八項指令。測試結果為受測者不經過任何學習,即可操作超過四分之三的指令;經過學習後,可操作全部的指令,且效率大幅提升。 以發展直覺性體感介面為研究目的,經過測試證明使用者可以直覺且順暢的完成各項操作。本研究提出的體感介面以更貼近人類自然行為,朝向無負擔的使用方式。


體感介面 直覺性動作 Kinect


In 2010, Microsoft released its latest motion game – Kinect. Users could play games directly by bodies while Microsoft marked a new milestone in the Human–computer interaction. Motion interface took the user’s nature behavior (gesture, voice) as an income to interact with the content without needing keyboard or mouse. It needs not learning process either. This study developed the motion interface and setting scenario TV controlling. Also, designed 8 instructions: (1) turn on the power, (2) open the volume control, (3) volume up, (4) volume down, (5) open the channel control, (6) next channel, (7) previous channel, (8) turn off the power. After investigation and evaluation, this research proposed a gesture which corresponded to each instruction. Furthermore, it constructed a framework to evaluate interface by the participants. In the test, the participants without learning process tried the 8 instructs. The results showed the participants accomplished more than 3/4 instructions. The participants with learning process tried the 8 instructs and resulted in accomplishing all the instructions with highly efficiency. The research purpose is developing the intuitive motion interface. The evaluation proved that user can finish all the instructions smoothly and intuitively. This Study presented the motion interface closer the human nature behavior and approached the manipulation without burden.


Motion Interface Intuition Kinect


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