  • 學位論文


Characterization Analysis of Graphene Films Prepared by Graphite Bulk

指導教授 : 王錫九


石墨烯是由碳原子排列成六角環狀的二維結構,具有許多特性,如高熱傳導係數、高機械應力、高指向的表面和快速的電子遷移率,本實驗中以石墨塊材對金屬薄膜上產生催化原理於高溫度下。將石墨粉未壓成塊材,再以石墨塊材當做基材,分別濺鍍複合金屬膜(銅膜、鎳膜)於石墨塊材表面上,再藉著真空燒結爐熱處理的方法,使碳原子於時間(1hr)內擴散析出於石墨塊錠之金屬膜表面形成銀色光澤的石墨烯膜,在同樣相同製程參數下,藉由三種熱處理溫度(800°C、900°C、1000°C)的不同方式,以掃瞄式電子顯微鏡觀察三種不同熱處理溫度之金屬膜表面所產生皺摺堆疊結構。再藉由拉曼光譜的分析,我們可發現於1580 cm-1波峰位置形成形狀相當對稱的G peak;位於約2750 cm-1的波峰具有石墨烯的特性峰2D peak,並發現到所生成的石墨膜為二維的結構,從本實驗生成石墨烯膜來觀看1000°C熱處理溫度與800°C、900°C熱處理溫度相較下,1000°C所生成的石墨烯膜層數較多,是連續大面積的石墨膜,900°C所生成的石墨膜層數和面積1000°C熱處理的石墨膜生成是較無差異性,而800°C所生成的石墨烯膜層數較少,是不連續且小面積的石墨膜。


Graphene is a two-dimensional crystal of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice with excellent properties such as high conductivity,high mechanical stress, high specific surface area, and high electron mobility. In this study, graphite bulk of metal films generated on the high temperature catalytic principle. Graphite powder pressed into bulk ingot, ingot as graphite bulk and then to the substrate, respectively, the composite sputtering a metal films (copper films, nickel films) on the surface of the graphite bulk ingot, and then by vacuum sintering furnace heat treatment, the carbon atom at time (1hr) diffusion within the graphite bulk to result metal films formed on the surface of the bulk ingot silvery graphene films, in the same identical process parameters, with three kinds of heat treatment temperature (1000°C, 900°C, 800°C) different ways to scanning electron microscope of three different heat treatment temperatures of the metal films surface wrinkling stack structure. By Raman spectrum, it is discovered that G peak, which is quite sharp, is at the position of 1580 cm-1, and 2D peak, which is a characteristics of graphene, is at about 2750 cm-1,and found in the resulting two-dimensional crystal of the graphite films, In this experiment to see graphene films heat treatment temperature 1000 ° C and 800 ° C, 900 ° C compared to the heat treatment temperature, in the graphene films 1000 ° C generated more large area continuous graphite films, 900 ° C graphite films area and heat treatment 1000 ° C no difference is less and less of the graphene films generated 800 ° C, and a small area is not continuous graphite films.


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