  • 學位論文


Performance of Chang explicit method in Time History Analysis

指導教授 : 張順益




The direct integration method might be the most commonly used method for the dynamic analysis. There are two basic categories of direct integration methods. One is explicit and the other is implicit. Although implicit methods can have unconditionally stability their implementations are more complex when compared to explicit methods. On the other hand, in general, explicit methods can only have conditional stability. However, they can have explicit formulations and thus it is computationally efficient for each time step. Thus, either an explicit or an implicit method have its own advantages and disadvantages. Since the Chang explicit method can integrate the most important advantages of explicit and implicit methods together, it is adopted in this study. In order to demonstrate the superiority of Chang explicit method in practical applications, it is implemented into the finite element analysis software OpenSees, which was developed by the researchers at Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley. Consequently, a series of dynamic analyses were conducted by using the Change explicit method and the currently available integration methods. Both linear elastic and nonlinear systems were considered, where the structural nonlinearity may arise from material nonlinearity and/or geometrical nonlinearity. As a result, the feasibility of the Chang explicit method for solving a variety of structural dynamic problems is confirmed. In addition, its superiority of computational efficiency over the currently available integration methods is verified.


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