  • 學位論文


Multiple Case Studies on the Impact of Culture on Brand Strategy

指導教授 : 陳文印


科技的進步與網路的發達,強化了資訊的交流,縮短了國與國之間的距離,受到全球化的影響,商業的規模從國內擴大到國際,全球流通的商品使各地消費者擁有相同的使用經驗,同時,資訊共享也讓文化差異所造成的隔閡日益縮小,未來,人類的生活型態將會越來越接近,因此,對於風格品味的獨特性,要求也會越來越高。相對於全球化的「一致性」,文化差異所具有的「獨特性」,對於設計與品牌來說便顯得格外具有價值,因此,許多國家對於自身擁有的文化資產也越來越重視,並加以設計及品牌化。 在全球化的趨勢之下,品牌策略之文化因素會有什麼樣的變化,是本研究探討的重點。研究透過相關文獻探討的釐清與統合、國際品牌的案例研究、並與專家訪談歸納分析出看法與結論,得到「異軍突起」、「以毒攻毒」、「合縱連橫」等三個文化策略模式,並歸納出「維護自身文化,搶佔文化版圖」、「善用文化資源,創造產品價值」、「強化既有優勢,累積國家識別」等三個當前品牌之文化策略比較具體的作為,提供給台灣設計與品牌經營作為參考依據,期望對提升台灣的國際競爭力有所助益。


全球化 文化差異 品牌 識別


Technological innovations, such as advancements in transportation and the introduction of the World Wide Web, facilitate communication and shorten virtual distance between nations. As a result of globalization, commercial activities are no longer limited to domestic markets but extend to oversea markets. Goods that are available worldwide allow customers in different nations to have similar usage experience. Moreover, availability of information on the World Wide Web reduces diversity between nations. In the future, as life styles among nations become more unified and similar, people begin to demand unique merchandise. Compared to unity as a result of globalization, uniqueness and cultural differentiation become important and valuable to product designs and branding. Therefore, countries begin emphasizing on their cultural heritages and branding their cultural assets. This research is on the revolution of cultural-specific branding strategy resulting from globalization. The research analyzed related documents, international branding case studies, and interviews with specialists. This analysis concludes three categorizing methods: 1. innovation by differentiation, 2. meeting market demand, and 3. corporate alliance to supplement competencies. Furthermore, three broad strategies were employed in branding: 1. protect own culture and improve cultural recognition, 2. utilize cultural assets and enhance product value, and 3. strengthen current competencies and accumulate cultural identity. In conclusion, these strategies are advised to Taiwanese designs and brands in order to increase Taiwan’s competitiveness in the global market.


6. Mittelman, James. “The Globalization Syndrome: Transformation and Resistance,” Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000, pp.6.
13. Mario Gagliardi, “Alchemy of Cultures: From Adaptation to Transcendence in Design and Branding,” Design Management Journal, Fall 2001, pp.33-37.
16. Tetsuyuki Hirano, “Design and Culture: Developing a Nation’s Brand with Design Management,” Design Management Review, Winter 2006, pp.15-20.
18. John Tomlinson, “Globalization and Cultural Identity,” TGT2eC23, no. 23, 2003, pp.269-277.
26. www.georgjensen.com
