  • 學位論文


A Study of Story-Driven Games by Episodic Gaming

指導教授 : 李來春


近幾年來國內自製研發遊戲在市場上的比例逐年降低,針對遊戲設計研發所需知識進行探討,可能有助於提升國內遊戲產業自製研發的力量。本研究透過分析適合國內自製研發環境的遊戲型態、探討『分段式故事導向遊戲』或稱『連續劇遊戲』所具有的潛在市場價值及競爭優勢,並結合遊戲設計理論、個案分析、原型開發實務及專家訪談的意見,歸納出對連續劇遊戲開發者的建議。同時透過遊戲原型與實驗的驗證,從使用者的角度出發,釐清連續劇遊戲之劇情分段型式、故事驅力與更新周期之關係。其主要結論如下: 1、遊戲劇情的分段型式主要由劇情中斷點(高潮�結局)來決定故事驅力的強弱,並影響玩家期待後續更新的迫切性; 2、玩家對更新等待時間的滿意度主要與故事驅力的強弱有關,當故事驅力愈強時,玩家所願意等待的時間也愈長; 3、連續劇遊戲開發者應考量劇情分段型式和玩家的心理需求,而非僅以專案進度或市場檔期來決定遊戲的更新周期。


This thesis introduces the Story-Driven Game by Epsodic Gaming-a "TV Serial/Series-like Game"-a new game genre that is suitable for the R&D conditions in Taiwan's small and medium enterprises environment. By analyzing game design theory and practice through case study and focus group research, some advices for applying to game developers are described and discussed. Further, a fully implemented prototype based on the web platform have be developed and experimented on game users to answer for relevance of Narrative Break, Narrative Drive and Waiting Time Satisfaction. Since the Narrative Structure breaking off at Mini-Closure or Catastasis affects the game user’s perception of the Narrative Drive and there is significant positive linear correlation between the Narrative Drive and the Satisfaction of Waiting Time, instead of project schedule or time-to-market but user satisfaction the game developers should consider with when determines the duration of update is recommended.


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