  • 學位論文


The Effects of Core Filtering layer in Seismic Response Analysis of Jenyi-Tan Earthfill Dam

指導教授 : 魏敏樺


台灣屬於山多平原少的地形,河川坡度大且長度短,水源涵養不容易,台灣的用水需求卻越來越高,所以,在過去幾年,壩的需求量不斷增加,其中土石壩高度大於15公尺的約有20幾座,其主要的目標大部分是灌溉、民生供水及工業用水為目標,這些土石壩體,靜態穩定性因為長時間的壓密,已經趨向穩定。然而,台灣處於環太平洋地震帶上,依據中央氣象局所公布的信息,台灣從1991年至2006年觀測的結果顯示,每年平均約有1000次的有感地震,可說是相當頻繁,所以土石壩在地震發生時的動態穩定性顯的更值得探討。 在土石壩動態反應分析中有許多方法,包括較早期的擬靜態法,到最近的有限元素法、有限差分法,這些分析方法對於土石壩的耐震能力評估皆有相當程度的可信度,為了提升模擬的真實性,本文以嘉義地區的仁義潭為例,分別輸入Sin波、1999年9月21日集集大地震的加速度,以及同年10月22日的嘉義地震,且採用FLAC程式模擬;阻尼的部分採用材料的遲滯阻尼(Hysteretic Damping),接著在土石壩的壩心增加濾層土壤,與一般常見的分析(不考慮濾層)比較。經由三個加速度波的分析結果發現,濾水層對於加速度以及速度之影響較小,在位移的部分增加濾水層之位移量都小於無增加濾水層之位移;動態孔隙水壓力在增加濾水層以後,明顯的將下游面的超額孔隙壓力減低,證明了濾水層之重要性。


There are more than 20 earthfill dams with height over 15 meters in the island of Taiwan for irrigation, industry usages and drinking purposes. According to Central Weather Bureau, every year between 1991 and 2006, there were more than 1000 earthquakes measured, thus it is importance to study of the seismic response of earthfill dams. There are many methods for the purpose of seismic response analysis of earthfill dam. The common methods are the pseudo static analysis, finite element analysis and finite difference analysis. Here, the seismic response of Renyi-Tan earthfill dam has been studied. The study adopted the acceleration records of September 21, 1999, Ji-Ji earthquake, October 22, 1999, Chai-Yi earthquake and ideal sine wave acceleration and observed the effects of these accelerations together with the effects of filtering layer under the downstream slope on the pore-water pressure and settlement of the dam. Hysteretic damping was used to model the changes of shear modulus during shaking.


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