  • 學位論文


A Study on Alignment Management for Metro Shield Tunnels

指導教授 : 倪至寬


潛盾隧道測量作業在整體施工作業中佔重要部分,掘進線形錯誤時將衍生許多問題,尤其捷運系統中潛盾隧道掘進作業,比一般汙水管線或台電管線需要更高的測量精度,但有時是人為因素造成線形誤差過大影響出坑精度,必須再花費更龐大人力與物力完成線形修正作業,並影響下一階段工期。 本研究主要針對捷運潛盾隧道掘進時如何做好線形管理,將實際掘進後所配置環片中心位置控制在10公分誤差範圍內,但依目前捷運標準隧道外徑為6.1公尺潛盾機外徑約為6.24公尺而言,要能準確控制在規範值內並非易事,所以捷運工程合約內潛盾設備採購規範中註明須備有自動掘進管理系統。 自動掘進管理系統包括陀螺儀系統與雷射經緯儀系統,此兩種系統在使用功能上略有不同,但使用方式卻大不相同,如何正確使用上述兩套系統並利用人工測量方式檢核校正,以及人工測量方式的重複計算工作,如何利用電腦程式計算並迅速完成掘進指示書編寫,是本文所研究的目的。 目前國內捷運潛盾隧道都是與日商聯合承攬,線形控制技術都掌握在日人手裡,而國內工程師僅負責將現場測量工作,實際環片配置與掘進指示書編寫計算,日商並不願意技術轉移,希望本文能對國內潛盾施工技術能有實質提升。


Shield tunnel survey is a crucial part of underground tunneling operation. Many problems may arise when the heading alignment is incorrect. In particular, the shield tunnel heading in Metro system requires higher survey accuracy than typical sewerage or power mains pipeline. However, human factor sometimes creates a large error that leads to inaccuracy of tunnel. Alignment correction requires more manpower and resources to perform, and the following stage of construction is likely to be delayed. The study investigate techniques in performing the alignment management well in shield tunneling in Metro system. The center of lining sections set after heading is controlled within a tolerance of 10cm. However, it is very difficult to do so given that the outer diameter of a standard Metro tunnel is 6.1m and that of a tunnel boring machine is 6.24m. That is why it is specified in the Metro construction contracts that a tunnel boring equipment requires automatic tunneling management system. The automatic tunneling management system consists of a gyroscope and automatic survey systems, both of which may be slightly different in their functions but totally different in the way they are used. The study investigate how to use both of the above systems correctly and calibrate them with manual measuring, the repetitive calculations in manual survey, and how to introduce computer programs and complete tunneling instructions quickly. At present, most of Metro shield tunnels in Taiwan are done by joint venture with Japanese companies, which means that the technology for alignment control is kept in their hands, while Taiwanese engineers are only in charge of surveying. The Japanese companies are reluctant to provide details on lining installation and the development of tunneling instructions. Hopefully, this study will provide certain improvement for the shield tunnel construction technology in Taiwan.


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