  • 學位論文


Diagnosing Causes Technology for Lining Anomalies in Mountain Tunnels

指導教授 : 王泰典


既有基礎建設的管理與維護為已開發國家經濟發展達到高峰、建設趨緩後公共工程繼起的重要課題,也是社經資源永續經營的關鍵要務。隧道工程建造費用高、建設工期長,建成之後常為兩地交通運輸的要徑,維護管理作業更顯重要。綜觀國內外山岳隧道結構安全檢測與維護管理相關案例與研究發現,目前山岳隧道於安全檢測作業後,限於隧道力學行為複雜、檢測維修時間緊迫,絕大多數隧道直接評估安全等級或設計簡易修補作業,少有釐清隧道襯砌異狀的可能肇因,以致難以適切評估隧道的安全程度,以及對症下藥擬定回復安全等級、延長服務年限的維修補強設計。實則山岳隧道襯砌異狀種類繁多,其異狀可能受多個肇因交互作用影響,且可能形成外觀型態不一、影響程度不同的異狀,存在高度的複雜性與變異性,亟待研發隧道襯砌異狀肇因診斷技術,以利及早掌握隧道穩定性與服務功能可能的變異,適時進行維修補強等維護管理作業,確保既有公共資產穩定的發揮功效。 本研究首先蒐集國內外山岳隧道結構安全檢測案例,彙整不同隧道功能與襯砌材質之異狀種類,透過襯砌異狀的產狀與空間分佈特性分析,探討確認襯砌異狀肇因案例隧道之襯砌表面裂縫型態,並歸納出8種典型的裂縫型態與其相對應之肇因。其次,應用影像處理技術之霍氏轉換原理,特徵化與數字化典型的裂縫型態,據以建立山岳隧道襯砌異狀肇因診斷流程。最後,利用4個確認襯砌異狀肇因之實際案例隧道,取其襯砌異狀展開圖進行裂縫特徵化與數字化作業,並輔以其他檢測技術與資訊,驗證本研究所開發之山岳隧道襯砌異狀肇因診斷技術之可行性,並回饋建議未來隧道結構安全檢測作業之項目、方法與肇因診斷流程。 研究結果顯示,不同異狀肇因之山岳隧道襯砌表面裂縫型態不同,透過本研究所提裂縫特徵化與數字化技術,可以突顯主要裂縫特徵,透過客觀地擷取裂縫型態比對襯砌異狀肇因與裂縫特徵型態之相互關係,可以邏輯化、科學化進行山岳隧道襯砌異狀肇因診斷作業。本研究由實際案例應用驗證此技術之可行性與未來發展性,提供未來山岳隧道襯砌異狀肇因診斷之利器,以及安全等級評估與維修補強設計之依據。


The management and maintenance of existing infrastructure for developed countries is a subsequently major subject after their public constructions have grown up, which is also an essential issue related with the sustainable management of social resources. Among diverse types of infrastructure, tunnels are characteristics of expense construction costs, long building periods, and once built, usually primary transportation route. The management and maintenance of tunnels are of importance for modern society, and have been put into practice popularly with structural safety inspection. Perhaps due to the complicated tunnel behavior or limited maintenance schedule, most inspected tunnels make use of associated results for safety level assessment only, and relevant repairing design do not take account of the causes of lining anomalies. Without regard to possible causes for lining anomalies, the structural safety assessment may deviate from reality; the repairing design may take the stopgap measures but not perform a permanent cure, resulting in insufficient reinforcement effect. There are numerous appearances of lining anomalies in mountain tunnels, which may affected by specific cause or multiple causes interaction. Methodology and associated technology for diagnosing possible causes accounting for lining anomalies are pending problems which need further research and development. This study first collects mountain tunnel inspection results and associated investigation reports world wildly. The lining anomalies are compiled and classified according to tunnel usages and building materials. Appearances and spatial distribution of lining anomalies for these tunnels are investigated in depth. Eight typical types of lining cracks are then recognized as confirmed cases with specific causes accounting for lining anomalies. Second, this study establishes an approach for lining anomaly causes diagnosis. Hough Transform principle for image process and associated improvement are adopted to characterize and digitalize the spatial distribution of lining cracks. Third, practical inspection results from four tunnels are used to validate the proposed methodology and developed technology. Finally, suggestions and comments regarding further inspection and maintenance for mountain tunnels are provided. Results of cases study show that different causes lead to various types of lining cracks. The proposed characterizing and digitalizing technology is capable of highlight major features of lining cracks, and provides excellent reference for diagnosing possible causes. The transform results can be correlated with possible causes for popular distribution of lining cracks. The practical cases validate the proposed technology and its applicability. The proposed methodology and developed technology provides a good tool for future mountain tunnel lining anomalies causes diagnosing, and also be used as a reference for safety level assessment, and maintenance and reinforcement design.


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