  • 學位論文


Exploring the Relationship Between the Preferences and Shape Typicality Cognition of Consumers

指導教授 : 黃啟梧


本篇論文主要是欲探討消費者對造形典型性程度認知以及消費者的喜好程度兩者之間的關係,本論文以「椅子」來探討造形典型性與喜好程度,問卷評量方式是以李克特量表將兩組形容詞「非常典型—非常不典型」以及「非常喜歡—非常不喜歡」各分為7個等級,最後透過統計軟體的二次曲線關係圖,來探討兩者關係。 本研究的目的在於針對以下幾點能有更清晰的認知與了解:(1)消費者對於問卷中的32張椅子的造形典型性排序,是否會因年齡與性別的關係而有所差異。(2)造形典型性與喜好程度關係是否會像Berlyne(1960)所建立的-The Wundt Curve為倒U字型。(3)受測者的典型性認知與喜好程度,會因為年齡層以及性別的關係而有所差異。 本研究最後所獲得之實驗結果有以下幾點:(1)三個年齡層群體對於造形典型性的認知差異不大。(2)造形典型性與喜好程度關係為倒U字型,亦指當椅子具有中等程度的造形典型性時,對應的喜好程度數值為最高。(3)喜好程度的最高值,會隨著年齡越高所對應的典型性程度數值越往非常典型靠近;女性群體則較比男性更能接受非典型的造形樣本。


This study aims to explore the relationship between the preferences and shape typicality cognition of consumers. Chairs were used as example. The objectives are: (1) To find out if age and gender affect the ranking of shape typicality. (2) To find out if the relationship between preference and shape typicality is a Wundt Curve (Berlyne, 1960). (3) To find out if Wundt Curves are different because of age and gender. Two sets of bipolar adjectives, typical-unique and like-dislike, were used in a Likert scales to measure the typicality and preference toward 32 chair pictures. 180 subjects were recruited to do the test. The SPSS was used to analyze the data. The age and gender of the subjects related to the shape typicality and preferences were discussed. Finally, a quadratic curve to describe the relationship between typicality and preference was identified. The results include: (1) Age might have no significant effect on ranking shape typicality. (2) The relationship between preference and typicality exhibits a Wundt Curve as expected. Chairs with medium-level of typicality have higher scores in preference; whereas highly typical or novel chairs near the two extremes on typicality have lower scores in preference. (3) The older the age of the subjects seem to prefer the more typical shape. (4) Female subjects seem to be able to accept the unique design more than male does.


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