  • 學位論文


Visible Light Communication Systems

指導教授 : 呂海涵


光通信系統已經被廣泛部署,期望能用來提供寬頻整合服務。隨著通信技術的快速發展,對於高速和高頻寬的需求不斷的提高不僅對於單模光纖為基礎的骨幹網路傳輸還有自由空間的可見光通信為主的建設。然而,對於單模光纖的網路部署,極需解決安裝成本和便利性是不爭的議題。要克服的這個問題,需要建設一種新的網路媒體。最近,提供高速通信的可見光通信( VLC )系統目前正積極地被研究人開發,以利用可見光來取代無線電頻率(RF)和微波信號。可見光通訊可以提供許多好處,可以建構在特定區域,例如:在醫院或飛機上這類不能提供無線電通訊的地方。可見光通訊系統是未來最有潛力的傳輸技術對於解決建築物內部連接的問題,且可見光通訊(VLC)是一種整合光纖骨幹網路的理想方案。 因此本研究提出了四種可見光通信的系統架構,首先是一雙向可見光通訊系統,並且提供高頻寬與高傳輸距離的需求;接著將單一光通道的資料量提高至2.5Gbps且距離延伸至15公尺;第三個更是將單一光通道提高到了10Gbps;最後更結合了10Gbps OFDM訊號與有線電視訊號進行自由空間的資料傳輸。


Optical communication systems have been deployed widely with high expectations to provide broadband integrated services. With the rapid development of communication technologies, the increasing requirements raise the needs for high-speed and high bandwidth, not only for the single-mode fiber (SMF)-based backbone networks, but also for the free-space visible light communication (VLC)-based in-building ones. However, when the SMF is deployed toward in-building networks, installation cost and convenience are beyond disputed issues needed to be solved. To overcome the challenge, a new kind of in-building network medium is required. Recently, free-space VLC system is presently developed by researchers and engineers to create high-speed communication networks, by which using visible light to replace radio-frequency (RF) and microwave signals. It can provide many benefits, like providing communication links in specific areas in which RF communication is prohibited, such as in a hospital or in an airplane . This brilliant system is the potential candidate to solve the problem of in-building connection. In result, free-space VLC is an ideal scheme to integrate fiber backbone networks and in-building ones. This study proposed four visible light communication systems. First is a two way visible light communication system, and provide demand of high bandwidth and long transmission distance. Then employ a single optical channel can increase to 2.5Gbps and the distance extended to 15 meters. The third structure is use a single optical channel increased to 10Gbps. Finally, even a combination of 10Gbps OFDM signals and CATV signal for data transmission in free-space .


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