  • 學位論文


Applicability Comparison of NIOSH Lifting Equation and KIM Assessment Tool

指導教授 : 陳協慶


本研究模擬一般業界常見之彎腰抬舉、荷重行走與支撐重量作業,評估8名男性受測者對不同搬運條件之主、客觀負荷程度,以比較NIOSH抬舉公式及KIM評估工具之適用性。實驗設計組合抬舉重量、高度、頻率、以及地面障礙物等四項條件,設計6種抬舉搬運之作業。實驗中收集受測者之核心肌群肌電圖與心電圖,並輔以改良式的Borg CR-10主觀量表及身體部位疲勞/不適程度問卷,收集受測者在實驗後之主觀負荷與疲勞感受,以比較NIOSH抬舉公式及KIM-LHC(Key Indicator Method–Lifting, Holding, Carrying)兩項評估工具在風險評估上之適用性。研究數據顯示KIM風險分數對於心搏率(r=0.836)及Borg主觀負荷(r=0.688)皆呈現正相關性,而NIOSH之抬舉指標(Lifting Index, LI)對於心搏率(r=-0.463)及Borg主觀負荷(r=0.026)則沒有顯著關聯。結果顯示KIM對頻率改變較為敏感,而NIOSH給予力量的權重較大,又因NIOSH未考慮環境因素,導致在本研究之實驗設計組合下主、客觀評估結果的關聯性低於KIM。本研究採用之受測者並非專業之搬運工人,有別於NIOSH工具發展之研究對象,結果值得作為未訓練或未適應人員進行搬運工作之參考。


This study simulates common material lifting, carrying and holding tasks to evaluate the objective and subjective physical workloads of 8 male subjects under 6 material handling conditions. These conditions consist of different combinations of lifting weight, height, frequency, and floor obstacles with the research goal to compare the NIOSH lifting equation and the KIM (Key Indicator Method – Lifting, Holding, and Carrying) assessment tools. Under each test condition, EMG, ECG, Borg CR-10, and questionnaires of the subjects were measured as quantitative indices of workloads. The experimental data show that KIM risk score is positively correlated with heart rate(r=0.836) and Borg CR-10(r=0.688), however, LI of NIOSH is not significantly correlated with heart rate(r=-0.463) and Borg CR-10(r=0.026). Experimental results show that KIM is more sensitive to frequency, and the NIOSH equation gives object weight a greater weighting. Nevertheless, the NIOSH equation does not consider environmental factors and achieve a weaker correlation with both objective and subjective workload indices than KIM. Unlike the development of NIOSH equation, this study doesn’t recruit professional porters as subjects. Therefore, the results of this study can be referred to material handling workers without training or adapting.


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