  • 學位論文


The Performance Analysis of Automobile Dealers ─The Case of Automotive Service Shops of Y Company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林亭汝


隨著時代的進步,消費者的權益日漸高漲,服務便顯的非常重要。且台灣整體經營環境產生了大幅度的變化,面對如此競爭的產業環境,績效管理良好是一致勝之道。汽車保養維修服務業,這個屬於進入障礙不高,具有技術性較複雜的專家型服務業特性,過去多以品牌原廠服務廠及傳統一般獨立汽修廠為這個市場的主要經營型態,然而經過多年來汽車產業結構性的轉變,市場除了一般獨立汽修廠外,汽車產業市場上也形成了連鎖加盟系統汽修廠與兩極化之極大型的原廠服務廠與極小型的個人汽修保養廠的經營型態,再者由於消費者對於汽車保養修理相關資訊的獲取來源變得多樣與快速,網路的發達也造成一些消費型態的改變,不管在價格及業者提供服務的比較,這些都是汽車維修服務業在經營上所需面對的衝擊與挑戰。因此汽車維修業者如何有效衡量各維修服務廠的經營效率,以作為經營績效改善之管理依據,已成為各汽車維修業者最為重要的課題。 資料包絡分析(DEA)方法,廣泛地被使用在多項投入、多項產出之效率評估上,此一方法不但可對組織做整體性之考量並且可提供決策者一個改善的方向,可以說是眾多效率評估方法中(比例分析法、多目標衡量分析法、迴歸模式分析、相關度分析法、多變量迴歸分析法、變異數分析法等等)較佳的一種。 為有效衡量各汽車服務廠的經營效率,本研究以個案公司高屏地區十一家汽車服務廠為例,利用資料包絡分析法(DEA)之 Malmquist 生產力指數分析評估各汽車服務廠之經營效率與趨勢表現,並探討造成各服務廠相對效率差異之原因,以作為各服務廠經營效率改善的管理依據。本研究的結果將可作為個案公司服務廠改善經營績效的決策參考。


The after-sale market in Taiwan Automobile Industry is much more competitive than before due to the advanced consuming perception during these years. Therefore, the workshop management plays an important role at the present time. Entering into the car repair and maintenance industry is not difficult, but requires highly professional and complicated skills. In the past, the authorized workshops and private-owned auto repair garages dominate the industry. Nevertheless, after evolution of the market structure years by years, the new types of the running style are starting to emerge: franchised repair centers, extremely large-scaled authorized after-sale service centers and extremely small-scaled garages. Furthermore, due to the convenience of the Internet, customers can easily acquire a variety of information about auto repair and maintenance, which changes the consuming style. Consumers can easily know the price and the service process through many different channels, such as internet and service providers. That brings the new impacts and challenges, the car repair service runners need to confront. Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) has been widely applied to evaluate the inputs and outputs. The analysis not only provides an overall evaluation of the organization but also a direction for improvement. It is a more favorable method among others, including Ratio Analysis, Multi-goal Measurement Analysis, Regression Analysis, Relation Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Analysis of Variance. This study examines the operational performance of 11 automotive workshops of Y Company in Taiwan by implementing the Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)approach as regards Malmquist Index. This study discovers the key inputs and outputs to analyze the efficient value of the 11 automotive workshops of Y Company in Taiwan and further to acknowledge the reasons why every automotive workshop of Y Company has different operational efficiency. The result of this study can be regarded as the reference of the automotive workshops managements.


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