  • 學位論文

台灣汽車零件業在海峽兩岸經營策略研究 - 以A公司為例

Management Strategy Study With the Case about "A" Company:How will Taiwanese Auto-part makers get growth in Straits

指導教授 : 李弘暉


台灣汽車業與汽車零件業受限於國內市場規模於1994年,輕型車輛達到市場最高峰,年銷售量達到56萬輛後,之後市場銷售量即未再突破此記錄,2001年甚至於達到谷底34.5萬輛,今年已是近九年最好的一年,預期亦尚未達到50萬輛。日本豐田汽車社長張富士夫說:「一家公司停止成長,即代表退步,公司絕對不能停止成長,一停止成長,組織就會官僚化,罹患癡肥症,經而喪失競爭力。」回顧台灣汽車產業發展史,因缺少競爭力而退出競賽行列的有大葉羽田汽車、三富汽車及大慶汽車,過去十年台灣汽車產業及零件業,面臨國內汽車市場已飽和的情況下,企業仍能繼續經營或成長茁壯,主要貢獻來自擴展外銷業務及到中國大陸投資爭取新業務。感謝上帝,對台灣寶島的厚愛,在台灣汽車市場飽和時,又開啟了中國汽車的一扇大窗,使台灣汽車相關企業能持續成長茁壯,人員亦有外移升遷的機遇,目前截止已有10~20家汽車零件廠,大陸規模已超越台灣母公司。 本研究重點,乃經由全球汽車的宏觀審視探討中國汽車及零件業的概況,與台灣汽車產業及零件業面臨市場的飽和,如何有效的透過企業經營策略,選擇企業獨資或合資方式,發展在海峽對岸的業務。並以個人近幾年參與A公司及關係企業海峽兩岸的企業經營管理與新企業投資的研究為主軸,做經驗分享與研究報告。


Since Taiwanese Automobile industry and related part industry reported the best annual sales of 559,000 Vehicles (Completely Built Units) in 1995, because domestic vehicle market size is limited, the total vehicle sales in Taiwan have been fluctuating in the range from 400,000 Vehicles to 500,000 Vehicles. Mr. Chou,Fuji-o the CEO of Toyota Motor Conglomerate, said: "It indicates a downturn trend as one company stop growing. Once a company stop growing, Bureaucracy will come to its organization and make the company a competitiveness loss". If we review the history of Taiwanese auto industry, we can easily prove the fact with several failure examples from Yu-Tina Motors, San-Fu Motors, Ditching Motors, etc. However, losers'' show-up points out the fact winners exist! Although the domestic vehicle size is so small that local automobile industry is limited to grow, the winners do their best to grasp all opportunities to continuously grow. After they dominated the market in Taiwan, they also try for more exports business and place investments in China, for the booming big market. With the great home-market in China, Taiwanese Automobile and related part makers find a way for continuous growth. So far, it estimated that 10-20 more Auto-parts makers have created more turnovers from their arms in China than parent companies in Taiwan. In this papers, it would like to review all concurrent trends and conditions in China and Taiwan and guide companies how to make an investment decision on 100% ownership or joint-venture to grow in China under certain management strategies. Because I am being in the top-management of a straits auto-part maker and had been in a company operation running experience in China during past years. I would like to share my experience and opinion in straits about the subject and expect any constructive comments.
