  • 學位論文


A Study of Criticial Factors Affetc High-Tech Industry CEO to Use EIS

指導教授 : 黃興進


當企業面對全球經濟環境快速變遷以及市場上的充滿敵意的競爭與挑戰,身為高階管理者莫不積極加強其企業核心競爭力。有為數不少的高科技業公司已導入EIS、BI…等等的決策輔助支援系統,去協助高階主管做對決策,但是幾乎有很少的高階主管會直接操作此類型的資訊系統。 本研究的目的是探討影響高科技產業高階主管使用EIS的關鍵因素,承接過往學者在此領域的研究,一個完整的文獻探討是被執行,並且輔以專家會議,協助建立本研究的研究架構及關鍵因子。總共計有18家高科技公司的高階主管接受本研究的調查,高階主管訪談的內容是立基於專家會議後的結論之上,並且採用結構化訪談法。訪談的問項包含了37個問項及3個開放式問題,於正式訪談前本研究執行了問卷的前測,且前測是由另三位不同於專家會議之業界專家,協助完成。問卷前測的結果顯示本結構化問卷是合適於本研究之調查。 本研究的研究結果指出組織、科技技術、人員、任務及環境等五大構面,將會影響高科技業的高階主管使用EIS的意圖,並且提出部份命題說明此現象。因EIS被部份高科技公司視為高機密性的營運資訊,所以部份公司並不願接受本研究的訪問,所以形成了本研究的研究限制。針對未來的研究方向,則可探討或驗證本研究所提出之六個研究命題。


The Executive always enhances the core competencies of organization to make enterprise survive well in this competitive and hostile environment. Lots of companies in High-Tech industry already implemented some information systems such as EIS, BI...etc. to help CEO make right decision, but CEO seems to use these information systems rarely and indirectly. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the critical factors affecting High-Tech industry CEO using EIS. A follow-up study was conducted based on prior empirical studies of factors affecting executives to use EIS. A comprehensive literature was conducted and 1 rounds of expert panels were hold. In line with research purpose and the results of expert panels, a research framework and relevant factors was proposed for the next stage of this study. A total of 18 companies of High-Tech industry were selected as cases to validate the research framework of this thesis. Subjects of these companies were interviewed based on the results of expert panels. A structured interview technique was used in this study. A questionnaire composed of a total of 37 items and a total of 3 open questions. Before conducting a formal interview, a pilot study was conducted to validate this interview procedure and questionnaire. The result of this pilot study indicated that this interview is suitable for the purpose of this thesis. The results of this thesis indicated the organization, technology, people, task and environment will affect High-Tech industry CEO to use EIS and provide some propositions to explain the situation. Limitations of this study are subjects of sample size that does not include all sub-category of High-Tech industry. Some companies didn’t accept this study due to EIS is one of business confidential systems. The future research directions are to be verified the propositions that provided by this thesis.


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