  • 學位論文


A Modified Repertory Grid Based Intention Finding Approach to Selecting Social Science Research Methods

指導教授 : 曾憲雄


社會科學研究者在特定的問題上會運用適合的研究方法來描述及探究了解社會現象。而且每一種研究方法對應到每一個特性的重要性都不相同,所以選擇適合的研究方法策略也大不相同。如果初學者運用了一個不適合的研究方法來探究,這會導致於他的研究結果無效。然而挑選適合的研究方法策略是需要經驗累積而成的,但這對初學者來說挑選適合的研究方法策略是很難去了解。因此,對於社會科學研究而言在特定問題上如何去選出適合的研究方法是一件很重要且很難的步驟。據我們所知,目前有關於輔助挑選適合的研究方法之研究相當少,所以我們提出了一個改良式知識表格意圖發現法(Modified Repertory Grid Based Intention Finding Approach, MRGBIFA)來找出初學者的意圖,並且還提出智慧型社會科學研究方法輔助系統(Intelligent Social Science Research Methods Selection Assistant, ISSRMSA)來找出初學者的迷失概念,依據他們不同的迷失概念來給予適當的輔助。我們最後實驗結果顯示我們的系統輔助初學者來挑選適合的研究方法是很有幫助的。未來我們將會擴展現有的ISSRMSA去整合接下來的研究流程,輔助初學者去規劃他們的實驗設計,並且去驗證他們的實驗設計的準確性,最後去導引他們去挑選適合的檢定方法。


Social science researchers use an appropriate research method in order to describe, explore and understand social life in a specific problem. The selection strategy may be different because the importance of each feature in various research methods is different. If the apprentices select an inappropriate research method, the research results will be useless. It needs experience to determine which features can dominate the method selection, but it is difficult for the apprentices to understand. Therefore, how to select an appropriate research method from the specific problem is an important and difficult issue in social science research. As far as we know, there is less study about research method selection assistance; so we want to assist the apprentices to find appropriate research method according to their intentions. In this thesis, we propose the Modified Repertory Grid Based Intention Finding Approach (MRGBIFA), which is to acquire apprentices' intentions; and the Intelligent Social Science Research Methods Selection Assistant (ISSRMSA) is to discover apprentices' misconceptions and give proper assistance according to diverse misconceptions. Experimental results show that our ISSRMSA is useful for the apprentices to select research methods. In the near future, the ISSRMSA could be extended to plan apprentices' experiment design, verify the validation of their experiment design, and guide them to choose appropriate Statistical Tests.


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