  • 學位論文


Adaptive Capacitor Compensation Control Technique of Hysteretic Current Mode under Continuous Conduction Mode for DC-DC Boost Converters

指導教授 : 陳科宏


本論文提出一個以遲滯電流調變控制(modulated hysteretic current control)為基礎的切換式升壓轉換器,它可以改善傳統切換式升壓轉換器受到系統右半平面零點(right-half-plane zero)影響,而無法有快速暫態響應(transient response)的問題。此升壓轉換器本身可以因負載作切換時,自動調整電感電流的充電時間(on-time),以達到快速移動平均電感電流到期望值進而縮短系統暫態響應時間。除此之外,基於系統存在的右半平面零點的特性,如果適當的動態調整系統補償極點與零點,可以使升壓轉換器在作負載變化時,有極佳的暫態響應,而且回到穩態時,也有足夠的相位邊限,以維持系統的穩定度。經實驗結果顯示,以本論文所提出的架構其設計的升壓轉換器與傳統的遲滯電流控制切換式升壓轉換器比較起來,在負載由輕載轉為重載時,暫態響應時間較傳統方式縮短了7.2倍,而在功率消耗方面卻僅僅增加1%。


This paper proposes a modulated hysteretic current control (MHCC) technique to improve transient response of DC-DC boost converters, which suffer from low bandwidth due to the existence of right-half-plane (RHP) zero. The MHCC technique can automatically adjust the on-time value to rapidly increase the inductor current to shorten the transient response time. Besides, based on the characteristic of right-half-plane (RHP) zero, the compensation pole and zero are deliberately adjusted to achieve the system has an ultra-fast transient response in case of load transient condition and an adequate phase margin in steady state. Experimental results show the improvement in transient response is higher than 7.2 times when load current changes from light to heavy or vice versa compared to the conventional boost converter design. The power consumption overhead is merely 1%.


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