  • 學位論文


Selection of Temporary Shelters and Evacuation Routes in Urban Area

指導教授 : 單信瑜




Urban areas are concentrated of dense population and economic activities. People's property and living facilities are in the urban. Any disaster will cause tremendous loss of lives and property. Presently, we still can't predict the hazard and its effect exactly by scientific technology. Under such circumstances, disaster prevention planning is important to prepare in order to reduce the disaster. Taiwan is influence to extruding between the Eurasia plate and the Filipino plate. Therefore, the earthquake disaster frequently takes place. The time and place taking place in earthquake disaster can't totally be predicted. Cause personal's lives and properties to be threatened in order to prevent calamity second disaster two times one from occurring, it is a very important task to take refuge in the evacuating of residents. This research passes document retrospect, the expert visits the way to refer to field investigation and builds Appraisal project and Appraisal criterion of constructing Temporary Shelters and Evacuation Routes, take refuge in the stronghold and take refuge in the route to select the foundation of assessing the way definitely as the city earthquake disaster, and analyse with expert's questionnaire stratum's procedure law asks for and assesses the relative weight and importance among factor evaluated factors, set up one set and assess detailed standard of commenting etc. of one of criterion. This research selects Ren-Ai Village as the real example area, utilize GIS to show and analyse the space position. Assess according to the real example district existing Temporary Shelters and Evacuation Routes, plan to be most suitable for Temporary Shelters and Evacuation Routes of Ren-Ai Village according to the state of scoring actually.


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