  • 學位論文

派遣勞工工作不安全感、分配公平感與工作滿意度之分析及派遣勞工保護法草案實施後對其之影響 -以某二中央機關為例

An Analysis of Job Insecurity, Distributive Justice, and Job Satisfaction of Agency Workers and Predicting the Effect of the Passage of the Draft Dispatched Labor Protection Act on the Variables: A Case of Two Central Government Agencies

指導教授 : 楊千




Labor unions have been questioning whether using agency workers in the government is setting an example of building the working environment of the working poor, disguising employees, encouraging unequal treatment, exploiting workers and other misuses of agency work. To make better working conditions for laborers and protect agency workers’ rights, the government has been pushing the legislation of agency work actively. However, domestic studies of the legislation and related policies from agency workers’ viewpoints have been inadequate. As a result, to learn about public sector agency workers’ feelings about their jobs and thoughts on the legislations and policies, this research used job insecurity, perceived distributive justice and job satisfaction as indicators. Besides, interviews with the selected nine participants were held to gather more information about the topic. The research also predicted the effect of the passage of the draft Dispatched Labor Protection Act on agency workers. In the final chapter, the policy suggestions for the use of agency work were delivered according to the findings and analyses.


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