  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 施純寬 白寶實 馮玉明 許文勝


近年來由於公共工程的大力推動,例如捷運、高鐵等等,對於在公共安全的顧慮更受到許多人的重視,尤其是以火災方面所造成的影響更是深遠,不僅形成資本上的損耗,更會威脅到人的性命安全及環境的污染。在國內的重大建設中,以核能電廠本身的安全性應該是最為重要的。電纜是核能電廠最主要的火災可燃物,其燃燒特性是火災危害評估的重要參數。 本論文主要是針對核能電廠內的電纜,根據實際的實驗取得其火災燃燒測試的實驗數據,以提供火災危害評估軟體的校驗,並作為往後防火消防的基本依據。實驗儀器為圓錐量熱儀,試體有五種,其外皮為與絕緣體材料為PVC、EPR、XLPE、PE等的中低電壓與高壓電纜,實驗量測其燃燒後的熱釋放率、氧氣消耗量與各種氣體(CO,CO2,O2)的濃度。並觀察電纜燃燒時引燃、燃燒持續過程與滅火時間。本論文模擬分析的工具為FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator),分析外皮為PVC的中低壓電纜,依照實驗分析比對的結果來看,電纜熄滅後餘燼的悶燒過程現階段尚無法模擬。不過,FDS所計算之電纜燃燒時的熱釋放率、氧氣消耗量與各種氣體(CO,CO2,O2)的濃度與實驗數據比較趨勢皆為符合。


圓錐量熱儀 FDS


Due to the development of the public Construction (Mass Rapid Transit ,MRT/ Taiwan High Speed Rail ,THSR) in recent years, the problems of public safety are gaining more and more important. Especially for fire hazard issue, which might not only causes the fire direct property loss but also threaten the safety of human beings and pollute the environment. Cables are the main combustible matter in the NPP (Nuclear Power Plant), whose combustion characteristics are the most important parameters for fire hazard assessment. The examination of the program is based on the data from the cone calorimeter experiment. There are five kinds of cable in the experiment, the materials of jacket and insulation contain PVC, EPR, XLPE, PE, etc. This experiment measures the heat release rate, the consumption of oxygen and concentration of CO, CO2 and O2. In addition, the ignition time, the combustion duration time and the extinguish time are recorded. The FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) was used for the simulation in this thesis. The low-voltage cable that jacket contained PVC would be analyzed and compared to the experimental data. Unfortunately, FDS can not be used for the simulation of combustion of the cable ashes. From the result of simulation, the trend of heat release rate, the consumption of oxygen and the concentration of CO, CO2 and O2 are similar to the experimental data.


cone calorimeter FDS


2.Brian T. Rhodes and James G. Quintiere, ” Burning Rate and Flame Heat Flux for PMMA in Cone Calorimeter,” Fire Safety Journal, 26, 1996, pp.221-240.
5.The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 2nd edition , NFPA (1995).
NIST Special Publication 1018
NIST Special Publication 1019
10.Verification & Validation of Selected Fire Model for Nuclear Power Plant Applications Volume 7:Fire Dynamic Simulator


金泰震 (2007). 太極拳訓練對少年受刑人生活適應及健康體適能之研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810542703
