  • 學位論文

Exploring Structural Factors of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Formation with Social Network Analysis


指導教授 : 王俊程


Through the expansion of the Internet, business and academic fields both pay attention to the influence of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) on consumers’ purchase decisions. In literatures, the high correlation between the volume of eWOM and actual product sales has been examined. However, factors which influence eWOM are viewed previously by individual motivation and intention, and there is a lack of studies with network interactive effects. In this study, we examine the influence of public feedback and social structures on eWOM. In this study, our research data is from online discussion board. We apply social network analysis to construct indicators and examine research hypotheses. The result shows that the controversy between opposite opinions, network centralization, network overlap, and network involvement have significant impacts on eWOM. In practice, companies could take reference from these factors to establish future marketing strategies for better achievement.


隨著網際網路的快速發展,網路口碑對於消費者購買決策的影響已成為企業與學術界關注的焦點。在過去研究中,口碑的量與產品銷售的高度相關性已被證實,而口碑形成的因素則多為個人動機方面的研究,網路互動的影響則仍待探討。本研究以社會網路層面探討虛擬社群中成員的意見回饋(public feedback)以及互動型態所形成的網路結構(social structure)對於口碑生成的影響。 本研究以電影討論區作為資料來源,利用社會網路分析建立網路口碑之衡量指標,分析並驗證出社群內討論文章所引起的爭議程度(controversy between opinions)、社群網路內部的互動集中程度(network centralization)、跨網路之成員重複程度(network overlap)以及網路涉入程度(network involvement)對於未來口碑生成有顯著的影響。在實務上,企業可依此結果針對網路社群制定合適的行銷策略,以達到最佳的市場成果。


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